Welcome! Please introduce yourself

Welcome to OpenMRS Talk! Please introduce yourself here to other visitors. Let’s get to know each other!


Since I created the topic, I’ll start. :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, I’m Michael Downey, and I’m the community manager for OpenMRS. I’ve been involved with the project since 2009 – it’s been really exciting to see the explosion of interest in OpenMRS since those days!

Originally, I started out by volunteering my time to help improve some of the web infrastructure for the project, and that role gradually evolved to be responsible for more and more of the community and its growth.

As community manager, I focus on communication, outreach, and mentorship with and for the community, which includes quite a bit of varied tasks. In addition to the day-to-day operations of the project, I also work on our special events and internship programs. If you’re interested in helping in any of those areas, get in touch. We’re always looking for help as we grow!

When I’m not busy with OpenMRS (which is rare) I’m also finishing a PhD at Indiana University School of Informatics, where my concentration is human-computer interaction. I love traveling and learning about new cultures, so I’d always love hearing about where you’re from and the places you’ve been!


I guess this gets me some snacks! :slight_smile:


Everyone’s got to be known for something! (Will you be the OpenMRS Snacker?)

Photo by Jamil Soni Neto: http://flic.kr/p/7uhs2


Hahaahah. I expected Diet Coke. :slight_smile:


I think we can arrange that.

Photo by Niall Kennedy: http://flic.kr/p/LDanw


Hahahahaha. Am overwhelmed! :slight_smile:


Now that you have all the snacks you need, you should tell us a little bit about yourself @dkayiwa! :slight_smile:


Hahahaha. Now you have me seriously netted!!! :slight_smile:


Hello! I’m Jeremy Keiper … a developer, systems administrator, systems integrator, solution designer, father, musician, and graduate student wrapped into one. I’ve worked specifically for Ampath over the last four years, supporting their IT and software development teams.

My expertise within OpenMRS is spread across HL7 processing, LIMS integration, mobile / ODK integration, data integrity, and reporting. I’m using this experience to inform my work with OpenHIE, an open source set of recommendations for a large scale health information exchange. I am also working on rolling out new modules in the new OpenMRS 2.0 interface, for use in research projects at Regenstrief Institute.


Hello I’m Akash Agrawall, a second year student from IIIT-Hyderabad. I want to contribute to openmrs and develope a proejct as part of GSoC 2014. Previous working experience:

  1. I have previously worked as an intern in myshortflicks (http://www.myshortflicks.com) on Ruby on Rails Platform.
  2. I have developed the site joyofreading.org (for a social cause) ,more details about it can be found in joyofreading.org . The framework used to build the same is web2py.

Akash Agrawall, aka_007 on IRC, aka001 on github


Hello I’m Ryan Yates, a sysadmin, infosec enthusiast, mountain biker, and retired soccer player. I’ve been working with OpenMRS for around a year now doing infrastructure related work.

As a member of the OpenMRS Community Infrastructure Team, I am constantly working to automate the process of deploying new infrastructure, updating existing infrastructure, and adding new services for community use. I also fix broken things:) such as servers and services going down, and technical helpdesk tickets. I also work on the OpenHIE project and am the sole sysadmin managing the infrastructure for the project.


Hi I’m Nyoman Ribeka. A developer who’s an avid meat eater. My favorite meat would be pork. They are awesome.


Hello, Ada Yeung is here. Very grateful to have the opportunities to be part of the AMPATH and OpenMRS family since 2006. Love working with people around the world.


@michael is there an app for this?


Hi @nyoman - If you’re asking about a mobile app for Discourse (the software that runs this site), no. But there is a pretty good mobile UI. Check it out!


Hi guys, I am Harsha Siriwardena, Systems developer from Colombo - Sri Lanka. I have just graduated this year with a BSc in IT. I was a GSoC student of OpenMRS in 2012 and 2013. I would like to be a Community dev/soc mentor and contribute OpenMRS project onwards this year. Apart of computing I like to play badminton, traveling to nice places, Mountain hiking and car mechanics stuff … :smile:


Hi, I’m Shubham Rai, a second year undergraduate student from IIIT-Hyderabad.This year I am hoping to contribute to OpenMRS as my GSoc 2014 project. This is a new experience for me as I have not done much open source development before and I hope that I’ll be of use to the OpenMRS community.My interests include study and analysis of Algorithms and I like to take part in different algorithmic competitions in my free time. In addition I also like to follow and play different sports.

Shubham Rai shubh on IRC. ShubhamRai on github.


Hi everyone,

I’m Suranga Nath Kasthurirathne. I’m a Sri Lankan grad student working on my PhD In Health Informatics here at IUPUI. I’ve been involved with OpenMRS since late 2010. I started off as a GSOC student in 2011, and went on to be a mentor in 2012 and 2013. I worked with Jembi, a South African company heavily involved with implementing OpenMRS in Africa before coming over to the US to begin grad school (largely thanks to the support I had from my friends at OpenMRS). These days I work on a number of interesting projects, all linked to OpenMRS. I also have the dubious honor of being probably the only grad student who enjoys school.

Fun fact : Did you know that the OpenMRS staff based in Indianapolis are called the wedge-ians, thanks to the name of their office space ?


Hi everybody,

I’m Alexis Duque, a French 2dn year masters degree in software engineering and Telecoms, at an engineering school in Lyon, France This year, I hope I could participate in GSoC 2014, getting involved with OpenMRS community, in order to improve my skills, saving life, and helping an open-sources project.

I’m interested in software and web development and particularly focus on middlewares and web API designing. I have a part-time job as a junior developer (web and middlewares) at ETIC INSA Technologies, the my school junior company. I’m fond of sport, I practise Triathlon, and I’m a good 10 km runner (often in the top 5, French U23 category).