OpenMRS 2.3 Release - milestones

NOTE: This first post in this topic is a “wiki topic”, so anyone can edit it if you have a status to update on one of the modules listed here. If you have follow-up conversation for status or questions about your module, please use the “Reply as new topic” link in the sidebar to the right.

Hello Developers :smile:

Some modules have snapshot dependencies, and so we need to start figuring out which modules appear ready to be released and we start releasing. See several module versions with SNAPSHOT’s as below:

Module, Version, and Owner

  1. :+1: OpenMRS Platform - 1.11.4
  2. :+1: adminui - 1.0
  3. :+1: allergyapi - 1.3
  4. :+1: allergyui - 1.2
  5. :+1: appframework - 2.4
  6. :+1: appui - 1.4
  7. :+1: appointmentscheduling - 1.4
  8. :+1: appointmentschedulingui - 1.0.3
  9. :+1: atlas - 2.1
  10. :+1: calculation - 1.1
  11. :+1: chartsearch - 1.4.1 - @k_joseph
  12. :+1: coreapps - 1.7
  13. :+1: dataexchange - 1.3.1
  14. :+1: emrapi - 1.11.1
  15. :+1: event - 2.2.1
  16. :+1: formentryapp - 1.2
  17. :+1: htmlformentry - 2.6
  18. :+1: htmlformenty19ext - 1.6.1
  19. :+1: htmlformentryui - 1.3
  20. :+1: htmlwidget - 1.7.0
  21. :+1: idgen - 4.0
  22. :+1: metadatadeploy - 1.5.0
  23. :+1: metadatamapping - 1.0.2
  24. :+1: metadatasharing - 1.1.9
  25. :+1: namephonetics - 1.5
  26. :+1: providermanagement - 2.3
  27. :+1: refapp - 2.3
  28. :+1: referencedemodata - 1.4.1
  29. :+1: referencemetadata - 2.3
  30. :+1: registrationapp - 1.3
  31. :+1: registrationcore - 1.2
  32. :+1: reporting - 0.9.7
  33. :+1: reportingrest 1.5
  34. :+1: serialization.xstream - 0.2.8
  35. :+1: uicommons - 1.7
  36. :+1: uiframework - 3.4
  37. :+1: uilibrary - 2.0.4
  38. :+1: - 2.12

The modules in bold are the ones whose versions haven’t changed between 2.2 and 2.3 We might want to know the release status of these snapshot dependencies to unblock the release.

As the chart search module has been released by @k_joseph, a maintenance release - 1.4.1 - we can get it into OpenMRS 2.3 :smile:

Reference to Distro pom

Support for Maria DB - Work is in progress and its highly appreciated that some of them volunteered to complete work on it. Some discussions as per here.

Any heads up information on Support for Maria DB from @lluismf and @cintiadr would be good to hear :smiley:


4 posts were split to a new topic: Platform 1.11.4 release blocking release of Admin UI module

4 posts were split to a new topic: Supporting MariaDB with OpenMRS 2.3 release?

Hey Developers,

Some observations on the module releases:

To Be Released: (We would be glad to hear updates (as replies) about the releases of the modules listed below on this post) openMRSVersion - 1.11.4-SNAPSHOT - @dkayiwa (Required for Admin UI) – 1.11.3 released on May 21 registrationappVersion - 1.3-SNAPSHOT - @wyclif – 1.2 release on March 23 metadatasharingVersion - 1.2-SNAPSHOT - @raff – 1.1.9 released on March 6 uicommonsVersion - 1.7-SNAPSHOT - @darius – 1.6 released on April 20 coreappsVersion - 1.7-SNAPSHOT - @darius – 1.6 released on Apr 22 formentryappVersion - 1.2-SNAPSHOT - @willa – 1.1 released on March 16 appointmentschedulinguiVersion - 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT - @wyclif – 1.0.2 released on April 21st adminuiVersion - 1.0-SNAPSHOT - @wyclif – First version to be released soon

Commits done after the release: referencemetadataVersion - 2.4-SNAPSHOT - @darius – Released on April 22. Some commits on July 14 and August 31st Would this cause any trouble??

Released modules: Thank you @darius for getting the releases done :smile:

uiframeworkVersion - 3.4-SNAPSHOT – Released on 18th Sept - 16 contributors

appuiVersion - 1.4-SNAPSHOT – Released on 16th Sept - 12 contributors

webservices.restVersion - 2.12-SNAPSHOT – Released on 17th September - 54 contributors

Thanks to all the developers who helped on the work done for the above module releases. :smiley:

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Just to point out, I didn’t release anything, it was @wyclif who did all the work, and deserves the credit. :smile:

Further, I am not planning on doing the releases that have my name next to them (uicommons, coreapps, referencemetadata). Others have been actively working on the code (and I have not) so it’s better for them to do the releases.

I would expect @wyclif to release uicommons and coreapps.

I see that referencemetadata has commits by @dkayiwa (actually a merge) and @mogoodrich, so hopefully one of you can take care of this release.

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We discussed the full list of modules on today’s PM call and updated your original post with current status & owner for each.

Entries with a :thumbsup: specify the version we believe will be released in Reference Application 2.4:

9. :thumbsup: atlas - 2.1

Entries with “SNAPSHOT” specify who you can follow up with to get the next release out asap (e.g., Wyclif should be releasing refapp 2.4 for you):

27. refapp - 2.3 SNAPSHOT - @wyclif

As modules get released, please update the original post with the new version number that will be included within the 2.4 distribution and add the :thumbsup: (:thumbsup:) in front, so we can continue to target those that don’t yet have the thumbs up mark.


-Burke :burke:

NOTE: I couldn’t mention @mseaton by name, since Discourse refuses to allow more than 10 mentions in a post.

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I have released uicommons 1.7 and appointmentscheduling 1.4, @raff when do you plan to release metadatasharing? Because it is the blocker to releasing emrapi, coreapps and appointmentschedulingui.

Looks like emrapi versions 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 were released but never uploaded to modulus, this is not good. Anyways @mogoodrich, @dkayiwa can you make me a maintainer for emrapi module? So that i can upload a new version when it is ready.

@tharunya can you update the released modules in the list at the top of this thread?

I have added you!

2 posts were split to a new topic: REST Web Services module 2.12 released

hi @tharunya, thanks for your great work towards this release plus the whole back-up team you are working with, just to let you know that chartsearch-1.4.1 is out according to the announcement and so we can get it into 2.3 instead :smile:

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That’s a bunch of my work, thank you so much for the edit.

Sure @burke :smiley: Will keep updating further :slight_smile:

@wyclif done :slight_smile:

@k_joseph Sure, we can :slight_smile: Much appreciated for coming forward to tell us.

@tharunya can you also update to the actual versions and not the snapshots? Looks like uiframework appears twice in that list.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Registration Core module release for OpenMRS 2.3

Okay, I just released Html Form Entry 2.6. A few questions/comments:

  1. The release failed part of the way through when releasing through Bamboo. I believe I got everything deployed to the mavenrepo properly. However, since it failed, are there any bamboo variables that need to be manually updated?

  2. How do I edit the original post so that I can add the :thumbsup: ?

  3. fyi, while doing a ticket review I discovered that we have yet to take HFE 1.10.x compatible: HTML Form Entry does not compile against Platform 1.10.x

@mogoodrich Thanks for releasing HTML Form Entry 2.6 :slight_smile:

  1. is done by me above :thumbsup:

The other modules to release allergyui - 1.2-SNAPSHOT htmlformentryui - 1.3-SNAPSHOT

Do you have anything to say about these below modules’ releases? :slight_smile: We thought you would be the right person to check for more information on them. registrationapp - 1.3-SNAPSHOT registrationcore - 1.2-SNAPSHOT

Also, @willa and @mogoodrich - Any information on whether htmlformentry19ext- 1.5-SNAPSHOT has to be released?

Thanks! I just released version htmlformentry19ext 1.6 and version allergyui 1.2 if you could update those as well with the :thumbsup: (Modulus appears to be done right now, so I couldn’t upload them there, but will do so when it comes back up).

Yes, the two registration modules should be good to go.

There’s an outstanding bug in htmlformentryui that I hope to fix today or tomorrow, because I want to get it into a release we are doing this weekend. What is our timeframe?

Also, when we are doing these releases, should we also be updating the version numbers in the distro-referenceapp pom?

And finally, just wanted to ping @cintiadr… could you look at #1 in my previous comment. Is there anything we need to do here?

Take care, Mark

@mogoodrich if a module is listed in openmrs-contrib-bamboo bamboo will automatically update its version in the distro upon releasing it i.e. if it’s released from bamboo otherwise you have to manually update it.

Thanks @wyclif I just the distro pom to refer to the latest released versions of htmlformentry, htmlformentry19ext, and allergyui.