A handful of us who are working on project management, partnerships and collaborations in the OpenMRS ecosystem would like to start a new initiative: a Quarterly OpenMRS Ecosystem Scrum Of Scrums.
Projects in the ecosystem know more about other projects, and avoid duplicating efforts
OpenMRS PM team can have more insight into things going on in the ecosystem
Projects can identify areas for bilateral collaboration
Give projects in the ecosystem a chance to do a standup-length update about:
Major highlights you did last quarter
Major plans for next quarter
Possible areas for collaboration
a quarterly call (on UberConference)
interested projects must share a status update prior to the call covering the three questions above, so they can be collated beforehand
on the call, each project gets 5 minutes to talk about their status
at the end of the call, have a time slot for individuals/groups to express intention to follow up on things
this call is specifically not intended for detailed discussion between groups/individuals; it would take too long
A preliminary list of groups we thought would be interested are:
Mekom Solutions
Partners In Health
Philippines CHITS
Uganda Country Implementation
But the call will be open to anyone doing or wanting to do projects in the OpenMRS ecosystem.
Second week of each quarter, i.e. second week of January, April, July, October.
There are a lot of time zones to cover, so we are proposing the 5am or 6am Seattle time slot. And not Monday or Friday, for those of us in the far west or far east.
This Doodle poll should show this time in your timezone.
Next Steps For Those Interested
Please fill out this doodle poll if you want to join the first call, the second week of April.
This call time conflicts with the University call, which I think we should cancel this week to coopt the OpenMRS Uberconference line for the scrum of scrums call. Who is running the university call now?
We are trying to schedule the next Quarterly Ecosystem Scrum of Scrums for the second week of July. For those interested please fill out this doodle poll by EOD Friday, June 30.
Per the OpenMRS calendar we were scheduled to have the quarterly scrum of scrums tomorrow, but we are going to delay this for a couple of weeks. We are excited to have a new Technical Project Manager on board (hi @c.antwi!) and we’d like to give her a chance to reconsider how we run this call.
We have now finalized a date for the next OpenMRS Scrum of Scrums (Open Day). The prosed date for the event is September 11 2018 at 13:00hrs UTC. Kindly use the following link to identify the timing in your timezone https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ .
Another gentle reminder for our upcoming OpenMRS Open Day.
We are looking to schedule a call in the next couple of weeks for partners and implementers to share the latest updates on their projects, what they plan on developing in the short term and most importantly how OpenMRS could better work with you to improve collaborations in the ecosystem. We will also be discussing what the TPM role will involve and some of the new initiatives we will be working on in the short term.
Why are we meeting?
Projects in the ecosystem know more about other projects, and avoid duplicating efforts
OpenMRS PM team can have more insight into things going on in the ecosystem
Projects can identify areas for bilateral collaboration
Give projects in the ecosystem a chance to do a standup-length update about:
Major highlights you did last quarter
Major plans for next quarter
Possible areas for collaboration
interested projects must share a status update prior to the call covering the three questions above, so they can be collated beforehand
Call will be conducted on Uberconference http://www.uberconference.com/openmrs
on the call, each project gets 5 minutes to talk about their status
at the end of the call, have a time slot for individuals/groups to express intention to follow up on things
this call is specifically not intended for detailed discussion between groups/individuals; it would take too long
A preliminary list of groups we thought would be interested are:
Mekom Solutions
Partners In Health
Philippines CHITS
Uganda Country Implementation
The call will be open to anyone doing or wanting to do projects in the OpenMRS ecosystem.
Please fill in this Doodle poll to aid us in fixing a date for this event:
Next Steps For Those Interested
Please fill out Doodle poll on this link https://doodle.com/poll/7dyfv8sdfy7i6fhr if you want to join the first call, the second week of September 2018.
Please share feedback and any questions you may have to myself.