With all the conversations and interesting work going on, it can be difficult to have a clear sense of all the ongoing work, how work ends up being used, the impact and feedback from front-lines, and the overlapping work between implementations.
We’ve tried Talk posts, themed lightning talks, and topical squad calls. These are important, but not designed to offer a birds-eye view on their own. Getting together at the conference every year is very exciting but only annual. Previously, there was a quarterly Scrum of Scrums / Standup, where implementations quickly shared their priorities (<5mins each).
We’d like to try two regular, show-and-tell community sessions. Anyone welcome, and we’d send out a text summary.
Idea 1: Squad Showcase
Squad representatives briefly demo their work from the last month (or show screenshots), explain the problems this solves, and when/how it will be available for actual use. Then Q&A. Goal is to help squads hear feedback on their work and show they are delivering value, and see what generates interest.
- I would attend Squad Showcases
- Preference: Every 1 month
- Preference: Every 2 months
- Preference: Every 3 months
- I would also be interested in a technical update call, where we could learn about the technology choices the squads are making
0 voters
Idea 2: Implementer Showcase
Representatives from OMRS implementations share their highlights from the last quarter, plans for the next quarter, and possible areas of collaboration. Ideally presenters would bring the use case(s) to life with a few visuals like pictures, screenshots, or a demo. Goals: Help the wider community understand what on-the-ground use cases are a high priority for our implementers, and identify overlaps and shared interests.
- I would join Implementers’ Showcases
- I would join Implementers’ Showcases but only if they were very short if it was a very quick update
- Preference: Every 2 months
- Preference: Every 3 months
- Preference: Every 4 months
0 voters
We’d love to hear your feedback!