Do you want to help us make OpenMRS available in more languages?
There is a steady stream of community volunteers helping to translate pieces of OpenMRS into different languages. This is really valuable, but we aren’t able to leverage it as effectively as we would like, because we don’t have anyone thinking at a higher level about OpenMRS and translation. Can you be that person, and help us get more effective around localizing OpenMRS for different contexts?
We’re looking for a volunteer OpenMRS I18N Manager.
Prerequisites: none (not even speaking another language)
Time commitment:
~10 hours up front
<1 hour/week on an ongoing basis.
maybe 1-5 hours twice a year for OpenMRS Reference Application releases
Up front work:
Become familiar with the capabilities of the Transifex tool.
Propose a process for incorporating community-provided translations into OpenMRS Core and Modules, which should include thinking about: (some ideas here)
Are new translations pushed into modules automatically, or do the module owners have to pull them?
Do we introduce a “review” process for translations? Are there any prerequisites to be a reviewer? Does this differ for common vs uncommon languages?
Should we specifically try to do any testing during the UAT phase before a release of the Reference Application?
Present this process on OpenMRS Talk and on a Developers Forum, and incorporate feedback.
Document it on the wiki
Ongoing tasks:
Respond to requests from community volunteers who want to become translators/reviewers in Transifex, and grant them access as necessary
Periodically review the status of translations, and inform people of any roadblocks (e.g. some language has many unreviewed translations piling up, or some module is not incorporating translations)
Raise an issue with the Project Management team if there are
Before each Reference Application Release:
Take extra care to ensure all Reference Application modules are up to date with all community-provided translations
Oversee the UAT process for testing translations (if applicable, depending on the process you proposed)
Hi all,
It has been a while since I participated with any talk within the community, but I still follow up with the news. Once I saw Darius’ post I had to respond because this point is something I’ve having in my mind for a long time-unfortunately. I am not sure if this has been provided by other members yet, but I have done a full translation of OpenMRS to Arabic. On top of that, I’ve found the solution for the text direction issue I had long time. When switching from LTR to RTL languages (i.e. Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew) I had a problem with the text direction since it was sat to the LTR settings. With the solution I developed the user will have the appropriate UI either way he chooses the language. I wanted to upload the files for long time now, but I always had something making me forget (or maybe thinking about more development).
Hi @darius,
i’m interested to support the community with good translations. For this i apply as the I18N Manager. I worked with tranifex as translator and reviewer. I have no experience with managing this tool but i’m confident to learn this fast.
@ibatista, @teamprojekt has started to lay out a plan for how how we will approach translation. He’ll be sharing this soon, so maybe when that happens you can join in and help us review and revise the plan?
@darius and @teamprojekt, will you be able to have that discussion in this Translation talk category. As this is one of the requirements under release of Reference Application 2.4 . @jdegraft will also be able to monitor this to confirm if this will be included in the Reference Application 2.4 or not.
@maurya, @jdegraft, I think we have already missed our window for the 2.4 refapp release, because most modules have already been released without us reminding people to pull in translations.
Unfortunately I guess we’ll have to bump this to refapp 2.5.
Unfortunately, @teamprojekt no longer has time to work as our Translation Manager, and has stepped down from the position. Thanks, @teamprojekt, for the effort and ideas you put in (and of course the German translations), and we hope to have you onboard again in the future when time allows.
We are looking for another volunteer for this role. See my initial post in this thread for details:
I realized that the up-front work is now a bit different than what’s written in the first post, because of the work that we’ve already done. It should read:
Up front work:
Become familiar with the capabilities of the Transifex tool.
Mark all existing translations as reviewed
this either requires lots of manual clicking, or else scripting the transifex REST API, perhaps with some library from npm
Work with Cintia and I to ensure that translations are pulled into modules automatically by CI
work so far is described here and the ticket is here.
Document a process on the wiki by which people can become reviewers for particular languages
@chagara, I’m not asking for people to translate, but rather for someone who wants to help manage other volunteer translation efforts.
@darius I don’t have so much knowledge of programming [quote=“darius, post:18, topic:4632”]
this either requires lots of manual clicking, or else scripting the transifex REST API
if you can explain to me how do the work, i’m fine!