I’ve been hacking, making, breaking and tinkering on a range of open source projects over the past few years, and I have been stalking the OpenMRS project for the best part of the last six months, reading up on what it is and what it does. Eventually, I mustered up the courage to join and start trying to see how I can make myself useful, despite the fact that I’m much stronger with Python than Java (eep!). Thanks for having me!
@chrisvoncsefalvay, as it turns out, there’s another tool that OpenMRS is relying on to play a big role in our strategic roadmap, which is Open Concept Lab. OCL is actually a python/django application, and we’re always struggling because we have very few folks around here that know python/django.
If you’re interested in contributing to that effort, go ahead an post on the Terminology category, and ask @paynejd to point you to some specific low-hanging-fruit kinds of improvements to OCL.
(Otherwise, if you want to get more practice in the Java + webapp world, on the core EMR side, do follow the links Reuben shared!)
@darius I’ll totally look into it, although per subject matter, the core EMR part is closer to my area of concern! Ps. I tried to direct message you from the sticky post about you looking for a documentation coordinator, but the system told me I can’t direct message you. Are you still looking for a documentation coordinator volunteer? I’m a huge documentation nerd, so I’d definitely be interested
Yes! Is it still open? How do I find out about it? I’m a total documentation nerd so I’m happy to put my obsessive compulsive documentation disorder at the community’s service!
@chrisvoncsefalvay yes we still need a volunteer to lead our documentation efforts and are so happy to have you take the lead. Do you mind getting started on this with a new thread?
Hi, all! I’m Wade Becker with Global Health Reach (ghrus.org). My team will be evaluating OpenMRS for use in our clinics. We’re excited to get all of our records converted from paper to a database so that we create more insightful reports that help us be better prepared for everything that comes our way. At this point, we’ve installed the reference application on a test AWS Ubuntu instance. We’ve already had quite the struggle getting to this point! We’re looking forward to starting our configuration and working with the OpenMRS community.
Hello @wade winners dont quit and quiters dont win therefor on behalf of the allied forces,the life savers of openmrs get this tool https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Step+6+-+Configure+OpenMRS to keep the struggle on.If used properly, it will get you configured,Welcome worrier The battle is still on.
I’m Julius Mkumbo, working with Ifakara Health Institute in Ifakara, Morogoro, Tanzania. I am working as a Database Manager and Data analyst at the Chronic Disease Clinic of Ifakara. We have been using OpenMRS since December 2012, and now we are looking to make our database more efficient by upgrading and customizing it according to our needs. I am in charge of all implementation processes. In the future I am looking to be OpenMRS developer.
Looking to contribute a lot on saving life by improving the quality of health care.
Hello @jmkumbo,Welcome. Here is alink which will help you to get started as adeveloper http://om.rs/gettingstarted thanks for joining the big team of life savers across the World.
Hi All,
My name is Gokhan Mandas. Although I have an engineering background, lately I have a growing interest in Software testing/QA and recently I became an ISTQB Certified Tester. I hope this will help me to understand what you testers talk about. Anyway, although I can not call myself a software guru, I had some experience on web site development with some php/mysql experience. I also hope this will help me to communicate with the developers without looking their faces blank.
I am happy to contribute the openmrs project as much as I can so any directions/guidance from QA guys are all welcome.
If you’d like to contribute by doing some QA work, there is an active development project going on, called the Cohort Builder, and I bet it would benefit from having someone test out all the various edge cases.
If you’re interested, take a look at posts 1 and 15 in this thread and make a new post asking how to get involved, so we don’t clutter this intro thread.