Upgrading Successful GSOC-2021 Students to /dev/2 Stage

Following the Sucess of the GSOC-2021 programme ,
Having collected feed back from the mentors about their students , I would like to propose the upgrade for the following successful students to dev/2 stage . see their final presentations

  1. Ankit kumar (@theanandankit) - SMART-on-FHIR

  2. Medhavi Srivastava (@medhavi) - Support for Extended Operations in FHIR

  3. Vineet Sharma (@vasharma05) - Clinical Data Management

  4. Bartłomiej Rasztabiga ( @navareth ) for The REST of Administration

  5. Saurabh Kumar (@saurabh) - OpenMRS Android Client Project 3.0.x

  6. Heshan Andrews (@heshan ) - Export & import feature for the OMRS Reporting module

  7. Piumal Rathnayake (@piumal1999 ) - Improve the functionalities of the DHIS2 Connector module

see https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/OpenMRS+Developer+Stages

cc @jennifer @grace @herbert24 @dkayiwa @ibacher


congs folks and keep it up :+1:

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Thanks @mozzy and the team for making GSoC-2021 a success :fireworks:.

Congs guys!!!

They are all fully upgraded apart from @heshan whose profile has a github id that does not exist.

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did that become one of the requirements for a /dev/2 stage upgrade :rofl:

No. Not at all. It is just generally recommended to include your github id, if you have any, on your talk profile.

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Oh I think I do have the correct github id on my profile, I re-checked it now.

I don’t know what happened though. :slightly_smiling_face:

Congratulations guys. Well deserved :blush::clap::clap::clap:

Congrats Folks and keep it up, we also hope to see you around continue to work together :ok_hand:

@heshan , this is what you have

And it doesnt exists

Congrats Folks and keep it up, we also hope to see you around continue to work together

Well done folks and Congratulations.

Congratulations forks and keep it up! @saurabh nice seeing you contributing to the community after GSoC @mozzy and the team thanks for leading us and making GSoC 2021 successful.


Congratulations to you guyz

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