GSOC 2021 : OpenMRS Android Client 3.0.x -Final Presentation

Project Summary


This year, the project was focused on making the Android client more extendable and implementing the offline first architecture in the app, requirements :

  1. The Android app must be extendable and easy for the implementers to deploy and implement by encapsulating common functionalities of the app using Jitpack library, so that the android client is properly utilized and really solves some heathcare problems.

  2. The offline-first solution needs to be developed and extended further, where a provider cannot connect to the internet and needs to work offline temporarily. Data should be synced again when back online.

This is a Public Google Drive Link for the final presentation video of the project showcasing the work done throughout the GSoC coding period.


I have made this detailed project repository which will serve as a single document having all the details of my contribution in this GSoC project and the same will be submitted for online evaluation of GSOC

Weekly blogs


  1. Openmrs -Android-Client Project Repository - Link .
  2. Getting Started Guide for Android-SDK - Link .
  3. Project Wiki Document - Link .
  4. Android Client Users Guide - Link .
  5. Project Report - Link

Future Works

  1. Working on the expansion of SDK i.e. integrating new modules in the app .
  2. Fixing this Issue to make deployment to jitpack less cumbersome.
  3. Making the UI uniform across web and android based clients.
  4. Increasing Test coverage for the Android-client

Thoughts on GSoC

OpenMRS has given me ample opportunities to grow as a developer and technical writer through the 2 open source programs that I have been a part of, The experience I gather working for the community is invaluable.

I started contributing to OpenMRS during my junior year and continued throught the senior year, in this time I have grown from being a novice to making a lot of useful contributions to the OpenSource community and goes without saying this has been really rewarding for me as a student as well with the great exposure I got through these Open-Source Program.

Without Doubt Google Summer of Code and Google Season of Docs are great programs for students to make some real world contribution and grow exponentially in the process :slight_smile:

I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in growing in openmrs specially my mentors cc @jwnasambu @rishabh997


thanks a lot for all the efforts you put into making this idea of modules a success. It was great working with you and @jwnasambu


@saurabh and @rishabh997 I can’t thank you enough for the efforts you put in to ensure we register this success and I must admit am blessed to work with you two. @saurabh I know it has been a tough journey and you need a rest. Kindly we still need you in this community same applies to @rishabh997 may you make openmrs your first open source community.

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