GSOC 2021:Appreciation

First of all, I would like to THANK YOU all the students, mentors and community members who worked very hard to make our GSoC 2021 a success. Without enormous support from all the parties, we wouldn’t have achieved this. We had a 100% passing rate with this year’s GSoC, which is a great collective achievement.

This year, we had a good number of good students apply for GSoC. Most of our applicants had amazing proposals and this gave us a pretty busy time selecting the best. Big thanks to our mentors for intensely looking through each proposal, selecting the best students for every applied for project, and then working with your students to make their experience with our community a positive one.

It’s amazing what we have achieved as the OpenMRS Community through this year’s GSoC program. Due to our combined efforts, we have had such a tremendously successful Summer of Code program, with several successful projects added to our community or improved.

These are the projects that we have completed/improved this year.

  1. GSoC 2021: SMART-on-FHIR - Projects - OpenMRS Wiki

  2. Support for Extended Operations in FHIR

  3. End to End Automated Tests for the OpenMRS 3.0 RefApp

  4. Modernizing Admin functions for OpenMRS: Clinical Data Management

  5. Modernizing Admin functions for OpenMRS:

  6. GSoC 2021 : OpenMRS Android Client Project 3.0.x

  7. Tackle Security Issues

  8. Tackle Security Issues

  9. Tackle Security Issues

  10. Export & import feature for the OMRS Reporting module

  11. Improve the functionalities of the DHIS2 Connector module

    ***********  WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE GSOC 2022!!  ************

cc @jennifer @grace @mozzy @suthagar23


Thanks For the work great done here .