GSoC 2021 - Improving Functionalities of DHIS Connector Module - Final Presentation

Project Summary


DHIS Connector module is a module that is used to send aggregated data from OpenMRS to DHIS2 Instance. The aim of the project was to develop the DHIS Connector module with new features and updates. By referring to the discussions, the requirements were gathered. Throughout the project, an automated location mapping feature, a new user access control system, and few other improvements were made.


  1. Implementing location mapping feature :white_check_mark:
  2. Controlling user access :white_check_mark:
  3. Fixing UX issues :white_check_mark:
  4. Extending period support
    1. In Scheduling functionality :white_check_mark:
    2. In Run Reports functionality :x:


Weekly Blog Posts

  1. My first experience on GSoC 2021 with OpenMRS | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  2. Creating a Period Indicator Report using OpenMRS Reporting Module | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  3. GSoC 2021 with OpenMRS — Community Bonding Period | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  4. So It Begins! — GSoC 2021 Week 1. It’s the first week of the GSoC 2021… | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  5. Time Flies — GSoC 2021 Week 2. It’s the end of the second week of… | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  6. Keep Going — GSoC 2021 Week 3. During the week, the main things I was… | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  7. Bug fixes and Pull Requests — GSoC 2021 Week 4 | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  8. Extending DHIS2 Period Support— GSoC 2021 Week 5 | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  9. User Access Controlling — GSoC 2021 Week 6 | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  10. Automated Location Mapping — GSoC 2021 Week 7 | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  11. UI with User Privileges — GSoC 2021 Week 8 | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  12. Improving User Experience — GSoC 2021 Week 9 | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium
  13. Wrapping Up— GSoC 2021 Week 10. It’s the last week of GSoC 2021 Coding… | by Piumal Rathnayake | Medium

Demonstration Video


Future Work

  • Extending DHIS2 period support in Run Reports functionality
  • Improving the Mapping UI

Thoughts on GSoC

This is the first time I was been selected to Google Summer of Code. I’m really happy about choosing OpenMRS as my organization. It’s an honor to complete a project in this worldwide organization. I learned a lot of new things during this period. In the beginning, I thought it’ll be so difficult to complete the objectives of the project. There were some bugs and errors which I couldn’t understand at the first glance. But with the help of the OpenMRS community, I was able to fix those and complete almost every objective.

I really appreciate my primary mentor @akshika47 for guiding me throughout the project. And I would like to remember my deceased backup mentor @k.joseph who helped me to clear the doubts I had about the codebase. Also special thanks to @jayasanka for supporting me from the beginning to getting selected and completing GSoC 2021. Had a great summer with OpenMRS. My sincere gratitude to OpenMRS and Google for giving me this opportunity.


Job well done @piumal1999! I hope you will continue to contribute to OpenMRS in the future.


what about Gsoc 2023 ?