OpenMRS TOWN HALL: Monday, June 20th

As you may have read in the OpenMRS Community Update post @paul made a couple days ago we will be holding the first OpenMRS Town Hall on Monday, June 20 @ 9am ET (1pm UTC) and 1pm ET (5pm UTC). We are holding two sessions in hopes to accommodate more people and while people could attend both sessions they are going to be identical so it is not necessary to attend both.

Connecting or IRC (will be monitoring IRC for questions)

Additional Uberconfernce Connection Information

You are encouraged to join Uberconference from your computer not phone so you can see screen share.

Notes (One ether pad will be used for both sessions so they live in one place and people in the later session may want to see what occurred in the earlier session or vis versa.)


Where we are

Current plans

Concerns (45-50 min)

  • Open source community

If there are additional questions or concerns please post them here so we can address them prior to the Town Hall on Monday.


I encourage all to attend

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This is a reminder post for the second town hall/ community meeting/ Hub that will occur later today at 1 PM ET ( 5pmUTC). The OpenMRS community hopes that you will be able to join this meeting. We will be posting notes from both calls to this thread.



The second town hall/community meeting/hub will start in 8 minutes. We encourage everyone to attend and share your thoughts/suggestions.

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Here is the are the recordings:

Here are the notes.

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Thank you!

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Thanks everyone for participating in the calls today. As we noted, we will be doing these town halls/community meetings/ hubs on a quarterly basis. We will have additional communication in the near future based on the discussions today. Please see the talk thread on how to reach out to implementers/developers for some specific ideas on how to increase our communications within the OpenMRS community.

As you can see, the notes and the recordings are available for your review. Please let us know if you have additional responses/comments by posting to Talk.

thanks for all that you are doing, every day, to make lives better.

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