Strategic Objective 4: Education

This topic will be used to work through the planning of the goals and task for OpenMRS Community Objective #4

#4. Educate individuals, institutions, and companies on building, implementing, and maintaining OpenMRS and related health information technologies

  1. OpenMRS will increase understanding and utilization of OpenMRS and related health information technology a. OpenMRS will develop appropriate OpenMRS teaching curriculum (including competencies and learning objectives) for multiple users 1. modules for education, including modules on line 2. devs 3. sysadm 4. design developers 5. health informatics (talk to AMIA about doing this)

  2. OpenMRS will improve the development process through improved access to training and certification

    a. training and certification criteria 1.create a comparable system to the dev ranking for content manager 2. develop a formal process to evaluate and retain developers 3. develop and number of criteria b. hash publish specifications for training, testing and certification program 1. hash tag criteria c. evaluate educational pathway as enticement for involvement in Open MRS- enrollment into PhD programs

    d. educational partners 1. develop outreach programs 2. partner with local training organizational companydevelop outreach programs 3. develop a MOOC with training content

  3. OpenMRS will ensure that community members have access to training in OpenMRS and Health Information technology a. first MOOC graduates exist b. train ten people to write OpenMRS modules c. train x implementer to gain enhanced understanding of health information technology as well as OpenMRS

The following leaders have agreed to work actively on this to prepare for presentation at the World Summit in December: @sunbiz

All community members are invited to provide input and feedback, and if you’d like to actively participate in editing the objectives goals and tasks, contact @sunbiz to be added to the document for editing


I am doing a lot of course development and teaching on Global eHealth including OpenMRS at universities of Leeds and Edinburgh and also co-developed a MOOC at MIT. We are in the final submission stage of a text book on Global eHealth that could potentially be share with OpenMRS students if linked in some way to the MIT course.

There is also the work that Bill Bosl is doing in University of San Francisco.

Looking forward to talking about this in Singapore. Regards


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Thanks @hamish for replying to the thread. I will appreciate if you can be on a call where we can finalize and build a set of 3-month, 6-month and 12-month tasks for next year that can be presented to the community at the World Summit in Singapore in December. I’d also like to invite @surangak, @maurya, @levine, @jordan, @kwurst, @raod85 who have previously shown interest to develop training and education programs around OpenMRS.

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I think I will like to be part of this task. Have a large number of OpenMRS users in country and would want to contribute to their continuous learning curve on OpenMRS


Hi folks! We now have a place to propose sessions for OMRS15 in Singapore, and would like each strategic objective group to present each objective in a short plenary session. Please take a moment to add a session idea for this strategic objective here (using the other sessions as a guide):

Thank you!

I’ll look forward to meeting all of you at the Summit. I’m very interested in educational projects

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Thanks @jaghatise and @levine for your interest. We want to finalize and present the goals and tasks that will enable us to meet the below objective: [quote=“terry, post:1, topic:3668”] Educate individuals, institutions, and companies on building, implementing, and maintaining OpenMRS and related health information technologies [/quote]

Like other groups are doing, I suggest that we do this over a call. Here is a doodle poll to match our calendars on when we can have this call - . Please mention your preferred time for the call.

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Thanks @terry, I will be part of this educational task.

@chetenm, @surangak, @maurya @jordan @hamish and others please fill in the doodle? We’d like to decide on our tasks for next year.


Hi folks! Just a reminder to please help out @sunbiz by letting him know when you can meet. There are only 21 days until OMRS15, so time is of the essence. :smile:

i also want to remind people to fill in the doodle poll-- but we can also work asynchronous if people can’t join at those times in the poll. Seems like there is a lot of interest in this topic. I have also reached out to identify the resources for the HIT 10 by 10 program that the Veterans Health Administration developed, as the content is free. Will post as soon as i get the information back.


Based on the poll, it seems tomorrow (25-Nov-2015 at 9:00 EST / 14:00 GMT) is the best time to meet to discuss the objectives. I will send a calendar invite to all the people, particularly because I wanted @terry on the call. I will reach out to @levine, @jaghatise and @maurya separately since they are not able to make it on the call at those times.

Thanks sunbiz, I will try to connect although in a remote community on OpenMRS readiness assessment/stakeholders engagement visit.

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We will meet in on 25-Nov-2015 at 9:00 EST / 14:00 GMT. @chetenm and @hamish I didnt get a doodle poll response from you, but please join us for this meeting.

@sunbiz; I won’t be able to join you for the meeting.

thanks for informing @chetenm. Please feel free to suggest any improvements, additions, removals from the objectives that were listed in the first post of this topic. We want to be sure that we are going in the direction that the community wants us to go in terms of our education and training objectives

FYI, this is the normally scheduled time for OpenMRS University, but there is currently no session planned for 25 November.

Thanks everyone for participating in the call. Notes here - We’ll have another call to finalize what’s going to be presented for this objective at the conference. Please join us for the call next week at the same time: 2-Dec-2015 at 9:00 EST / 14:00 GMT.

This to remind everyone that we will be finalizing our objectives on the call tomorrow 2-Dec-2015 at 9:00 EST / 14:00 GMT. We had some todos from the last call, among which I’d like everyone to review our certification process document (link in the notes above post) again and suggest changes to it. @jordan, @maurya, @michael, @terry, @surangak, @hamish, @levine, @jaghatise Please join the call on

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I will probably not be able to join tomorrow due to OMRS15 preparation. Keep up the great work!