Thank you Saptarshi for the efforts. I am back in Abuja now and should be able to have better connection today.
just added slides from todays session
Great job Terry, it shows we have made some progress in this goal.
Hi there,
Reporting back from the summit.
We had a conversation with @aongkeko, who’s from the Philippines. Apparently Dr. Marcello (Who’s not on talk) organized three-day courses on OpenMRS for the Pilipino community back in 2010-2011. At the end of the training, everyone received a certificate of participation.
We feel like this community would be very interested in taking our certification programs, and becoming the first batch of OpenMRS certified implementers / developers.
And so, I believe that these folks should be kept in the loop of what we’re up to
We are currently working on a project in Medellin, Colombia, that fits very well with this objective number 4.
We will have a workshop on health informatics tools as part of the development of a project founded by the TDR (special program for research and training in neglected tropical diseases). The name of our project is “Training on health informatics tools for knowledge management”. The project includes the implementation of an EMR system for PECET, a Workshop for training in EMR systems and a MOOC.
We decided to base our development in OpenMRS after an analysis of the various features it offers.
We would like to keep in close contact with the OpenMRS community in order to reach a greater impact with our project by following all the requirements needed to make our event and MOOC a valuable material for the OpenMRS community.
Hi @alessaag - That sounds like a great fit with what we are doing here in Education. Would you be interested in sharing your materials with the community here? I believe @michael and @sunbiz are working on ways for education materials to be available. Maybe they have plans to enable members to contribute to that archive?
In addition, this strategic goal is a priority for OpenMRS. The operational plan for that goal includes the development and publication of materials, the creation of certification programs for OpenMRS users and developers, and to find education partners. Would you be interested in helping with this goal for the broader community?
Lastly, does the project you are working on have active implementations of OpenMRS? If so, I would be interested in talking with you more about that aspect. Thanks!
Hi @janflowers! Thank you for your kind answer. We would be absolutely interested in sharing the materials with the community. We already got in contact with @sunbiz and he is one of our invited experts (we have not talked directly with @michael), but we do not have plans to enable members to contribute to that archive yet, it would be wonderful though!
We are as well interested in contributing with the strategic goal for the broader community.
We are still working on the implementation of OpenMRS and we would find really valuable to have your advise on this topic, any comments and observations would be welcome!
Kind regards,
3 posts were split to a new topic: Resigning from position as Senior Manager for Education Programs
as you may be aware, the senior manager for education programs, @sunbiz, resigned from his position recently. We are actively looking for a new lead or a few volunteers to help with for our educational programs. If you are interested, please let us know by posting to this thread and/or letting @terry now of your interest in this area.
@alessaag, if you are able to share your materials, that would be great!
thanks to everyone.
@alessaag, is there a way that you can share your materials? @akanter is looking for some materials for a training in Ghana. Thanks. Terry
We are still in the process of reviewing the educational material, once we finish it would be a pleasure to share it with the OpenMRS Community.
It is worth to say that most of the material is adapted from the content currently available on the web, but with a more pedagogical focus.
Thank you for taking us into account!
Have a nice day!
We would also like to have a meeting with you in order to tell you in more detail about our initiative in Colombia. Please tell us whether it would be possible and what would be the most convenient schedule for you?
Kind regards,
of course. perhaps you could do an OpenMRS University session and present an overview for the community? copying @ssemakadde in case you are interested.
@terry When can we have this session ?
@alessaag OpenMRS University forums are on Wednesday’s from 14:00-15:00 UTC. Is there a particular date that might work best for you to present an overview about the work happening in Columbia?
Dear @ssemakadde and @jthomas,
We consider the best date would be the last Wednesday of October or any in November. Since we are still in the developing stage, we want to have some time to present also an overview of our system’s first version and not only the overview of the project proposal.
Please let us know when would it be better, according to the schedule of activities you have programmed.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the reply @alessaag. @ssemakadde facilitates the University call so I will let him talk about calendar scheduling.
@alessaag – I would love to see more about your Education work in Columbia. Has this meeting scheduled?
@ssemakadde can you work with @alessaag to get this on an upcoming University Forum?