OpenMRS Talk (this site) is our community’s home for discussion with other community members. The site is designed for OpenMRS users, implementers, and contributors to learn from each other, share experiences … or just to make and build friendships.
There are two ways to use OpenMRS Talk:
Through the web: You’re doing this now! Read about the benefits.
Using email: Not as fully-featured, but more convenient for some. Keep reading this post to learn how.
In the past, we used more traditional LISTSERV and Google Groups lists to communicate. Discourse, the free & open source software that powers OpenMRS Talk, has been designed to work well for people who prefer to communicate by email or through the web. The Discourse community are actively making improvements to the software to support email features, so please see the bottom of this post to share feedback.
Using OpenMRS Talk via email
Replies to Talk email notifications
Depending on your OpenMRS Talk preferences, you might be receiving email notifications when someone @mentions
you in a post, quotes part of your prior message elsewhere, replies to your post, or if you get a private message. Simply reply to the email notification from the same address that received it and your response will be added to the discussion on OpenMRS Talk.
If you need to change your email address, update it in your OpenMRS ID profile.
You can edit your Talk email notifications in your user preferences. If you’re logged in, visit: OpenMRS Talk and scroll down to this section:
Be sure to click Save Changes when you’re done!
Watch a category to get notifications of every topic
You can also get notified of every new topic and reply in one or more categories here on OpenMRS Talk by Watching the category/categories.
From a category listing page such as click on the icon in the upper right, then choose Watch, like this:
You can also view and change all your watched categories in your Talk user preferences. Once you’ve logged in, visit: OpenMRS Talk and scroll down to this section:
Be sure to click Save Changes when you’re done!
Security Response Team
A group of trusted OpenMRS community members respond to reports of security vulnerabilities and coordinate response. Emails to by anyone are sent to a private membership-only category here on OpenMRS Talk. If you are interested in joining the security response team, please write to this same email address and describe your interest & background.
Starting a new topic
Finally, if you already have an OpenMRS ID and have signed in to OpenMRS Talk, you can use your registered email address to add new (“uncategorized”) topics. Simply compose a new email to If you’d like to change your topic’s category after you send your opening email, you’ll need to sign on at
Legacy mailing lists archives
Unofficial Groups
The following unofficial mailing lists have been created and are managed by members of the OpenMRS community. Please keep in mind that our new Local Communities program includes an official category here on OpenMRS Talk.
- OpenMRS Kenya: Formerly at and now at Kenya - OpenMRS Talk
- OpenMRS Express:
- OpenMRS West Africa: Redirecting to Google Groups
- OpenMRS Australia: Redirecting to Google Groups
- OpenMRS Mozambique: Redirecting to Google Groups
If you know of other community-run unofficial groups, please drop us a line at and we’ll list them here.
Other email-based resources
OpenMRS News
Infrequent, general news about OpenMRS of interest to customers and developers. Subscribe here: OpenMRS1, Limited Infrastructure Status
Get notifications about OpenMRS community IT infrastructure incidents or maintenance. Subscribe via email, webhook, RSS, or Twitter at:
Mailing List Archives
In the past, we have maintained several mailing lists for communication. Prior to OpenMRS Talk, we used Google Groups to manage our mailing lists, and before that, LISTSERV.
- LISTSERV-era archives (2008-2012):
- Google Groups-era archives (2012-2015):
Feedback, please!
If you have any questions or feedback about using email to communicate with the OpenMRS Community, please contact our Community Help Desk via email at or on the web at Thank you for helping make OpenMRS a welcoming and informative community!