GSoD Community Bonding Period

GSoD Community Bonding Period

This is the period of time between when accepted students are announced and the time these students are expected to start documenting. This time is an excellent one to introduce students to the community, get them on the right mailing lists, working with their mentors on their timeline for the summer.

As openmrs, these are our Technical writing projects

Technical writer: Ayeshmantha

Project name: Developing User Friendly Github Documentation for REST API

Project length: Standard length (3 months)

Project description

Mentor @burke

Project description Technical writer: batbrain7

Project name: OpenMRS REST API documentation

Project length: Standard length (3 months)

Mentor: @burke

Project description Technical writer: marslan8530

Project name: Review and Refactor existing Wiki to be more User profile driven

Project length: Standard length (3 months)

Mentor: @c.antwi

As a culture in openmrs community, these are the steps to follow when getting started as a Technical writer:

  1. Create an OpenMRS ID . Your OpenMRS ID defines your username in the OpenMRS community and provides access to community resources, like the wiki, Issues tracker, and the OpenMRS Talk forums.
  2. Create a new case at OpenMRS Helpdesk stating you’d like to contribute and would like edit access to Wiki and JIRA. Because of spammers, we must require this extra step before you can edit wiki pages or make any changes to JIRA tickets.
  3. Create a GitHub account (Optional: but be sure to add your GitHub username to your settings on Talk).
  4. Read about Using Git . This is especially useful if you join a sprint or choose to share your work (we hope you do).
  5. Join discussions at OpenMRS Talk .
  6. Then introduce yourself to the community. You can learn more about how to use Talk by reading this introduction and FAQ.
  7. Join the documentation forum every Tuesday between 4 – 5pm EAT / 1- 2pm UTC on this link
  8. Meet other community members through real-time chat in Telegram ( or IRC (
  9. When you complete work on your project , log your time spent on that issue and “Request Review” and your mentor will get you some feedback in short order.
  10. Avoid staying assigned to issues/project you aren’t actively working on . When you no longer want to work on an issue that you have already assigned to yourself, please remember to un-assign yourself from it such that others can take it up.
  11. If you have any findings that you feel would be useful to whoever takes it up, please feel free to add a comment.
  12. Technical writers, please share your experiences (good or bad) on this thread. We are always trying to find ways to improve where we can do better and reinforce things we are doing well, so getting input from your perspective is very helpful & appreciated.

cc @c.antwi, @ruhanga, @jennifer, @dkayiwa, @irenyak1,@burke, @herbert24 , @dkayiwa, @lana, @monasaleh, @odorajonathan, @georgejr, @collinewait, @gcliff, @tendomart, @sharif, @pcp, @ssemakadde, @codestar, @ayesh, @marslan8530, @batmanakash, @suthagar23 and @jwnasambu,


Thanks @jwnasambu