OpenMRS DHIS2 Integration GSOC Ideas

  • OpenMRS as a community to help implementations around the world recognizes the need to have a common/generic DHIS2 integration module. There have been lots of DHIS2 integration efforts in the community and there are many new ongoing efforts. In an effort “to do it right”, we have decided to focus on improving a preexisting working Dhisreport module.

This specific talk thread is to coordinate the OpenMRS DHIS2 integration efforts on coordinating the DHIS2 GSOC projects and discussing them (These if agreed upon can also be included in the main GSOC ideas list). Anyone having any ideas regarding the regarding OpenMRS DHIS2 integration GSOC Projects can post their updates as a reply to this thread.

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DHISReport DHIS2 Web inclusion: GSOC 2016 Project

I would like to propose and mentor the GSCO 2016 project for improving DHISReport module to include Requirement 4: Should Integrate with DHIS2 Web API. Presently the module is relying upon an XML report to be uploaded in the module to know about the indicators in the DHIS2 implementation. This requires a person to manually create the report. This project would aim at automating the process by importing the report definitions from the DHIS2 implementation.

Hello @maurya

I have been exploring DHIS2 for quite some time. Here are few ideas to Automate the report creation process. We can create a link called- Generate Report (Requires DHIS2 connection configured) This section will do the following things:

a. Download all the data elements from DHIS2(saved as an XML file) and import it to OpenMRS.

b. Depending on data elements and disaggregation add SQL queries. - We can do this by allowing mapping between already present reporting module reports and available DHIS2 reports uploaded in the module. This work is done in DRM-3 (under development by @maurya). - We can collaborate DRM-2 AND DRM-3 to create an efficient SQL queries. c. Support for View, Edit and Post the resulting XML file.

Queries What is the process to download all the data elements from DHIS2 as mention in Existing Functionality of the DHISReport Module Section here ?

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Just curious @maurya … is this stuff separate to the DHIS2 org ideas list at Or would it be covered over there from their organization?


Good research. Thanks for taking the time to go through them

a. Download all data elements from DHIS2(saved as an XML file) and import it to OpenMRS - This step is manual presently - a person needs to create an XML with the data elements and load it into dhisreport module. This whole manual process should be automated using DHIS2 WebAPI i.e. if a report exists in DHIS2 that needs to be imported as a report in dhisreport module.

b. We can collaborate DRM-2 AND DRM-3 to create an efficient SQL queries - yes - they are just the overview of what needs to be done, but this needs more research and thought before we can begin working on this.

c. Good idea but should be handled after a,b.

Hope this helps you move forward.

@michael, yes this list of ideas are separate to the DHIS2 org Idea’s. This list is for “OpenMRS Module’s” trying to connect to DHIS2 (There are about 4). This thread is created to make sure people interested to participate in GSOC as a mentor or a student to coordinate their idea’s so that they don’t overlap. Though, now I feel this should be under GSOC 2016 category. Moved it.

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@maurya, have you thought about how this might dovetail with the funded work by Novartis that you were brought into in Ghana?

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Some interesting work at: can you checkout @maurya !

Hi all,

@maurya Dear Sir,

I’m Sathya Bandara, a third year Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate from university of Moratuwa. I’m hoping on taking part in Google summer of Code this year and i wish to take part with OpenMRS community. I’m interested in the project idea on DHIS2 WebAPI integration to DHISReport module. I went through the project wiki [1] and i have a clear idea on what needs to be implemented. I downloaded the DHISReport module and successfully installed it into my OpenMRS instance. Currently i’m trying to get familiarized with the module and working on fixing the issue : Ask for CODE location attribute to be included instead of displaying a blank report output screen [2].

I’m familiar with Spring framework, JSP, MySQL, Java, Javascript and Git. Previously i have contributed to web related open-source projects during my internship at WSO2 which is an open source technology company providing service-oriented architecture (SOA) middleware.

I would like to proceed with this project for GSOC 2016. Can you please provide me some more resources regarding this project? Thank you.

[1] [2]

@akanter, I have been having calls with Novartis to help them with their implementation. It will help them as well as any other implementation going forward, as this is taking project is taking a generic approach to improve the module.

@k_joseph, I did take a look at the work you guys have been working on but, it would be really helpful if you could list your goals OpenMRS DHIS2 Integration Requirements and share your progress at OpenMRS DHIS2 Integration Progress

hello @emsw,

Thank you for your interest to work on this module.

The approach you took to work on a ticket should be good enough. The resources available on the project page cover most of information.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Unable to start OpenMRS after upgrading DHISReport module

Hi @maurya, I know its late but if you are free,please review my draft proposal and provide your inputs on it.

Thanks, Vishnu Rao

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Please continue project discussions at: #projects:dhis2