All @dev4 and @dev5 are invited to join a committee / working group to put together the OpenMRS Technology Radar (modeled after ThoughtWorks’s Tech Radar).
See @mseaton’s linked post above, and today’s design forum notes, to get an idea of what we’re aiming for.
If you want to join the process, you’ll need to join in several hours of discussions this quarter, express your opinion, and help write blurbs about why we make the choices we do.
If you want to participate, please say so on this thread by Sunday May 8, and then we’ll find a time that works for all interested.
@r0bby, in our initial pass at this we’re going to limit team membership to /dev/4s and /dev/5s (though we’ll have an opportunity for broader commentary on a Dev Forum before we publish).
We can revisit this after the first radar we publish.
Unfortunately the team decided to limit participation to people at stages /dev/4 and /dev/5 at this time. But I’m sure feedback on the resulting report by all will be encouraged and welcomed!
Am in too!
Frankly, i would vote for including whoever cares to participate, regardless of their developer stages. Reason being that though this is a radar for OpenMRS, i feel we could benefit from people skilled in various areas participating, even in the very early stages. Or is there a disadvantage of including them that am not aware of?
ThoughtWorks says a couple of things on their radar FAQ about the Technology Advisory Board who puts together their radar:
The TAB is a group of twenty or so senior technologists at ThoughtWorks. …
Rebecca [the CTO] chooses the membership of the TAB based on forming a group that can represent as wide a range as possible of technology leaders within ThoughtWorks. … The TAB shouldn’t be seen as the top table of developers at ThoughtWorks, there are plenty of important developers that aren’t on it, but a representative selection of the technology leadership.
In my mind, the idea for us is to create a consensus statement of “this is what OpenMRS tech leadership thinks” about technologies and approaches. And that statement has to come from “tech leadership.” /dev/4 and /dev/5/ seems pretty analogous to this.
(As an alternate approach, I’d actually want to insist on people actively writing/maintaining code for implementations and modules. But /dev/4 and /dev/5/ feels like a good enough proxy for that.)
PS- If there are people who should be dev4s and dev5s who aren’t, we should get them appropriately categorized.
@darius, @burke, @sunbiz, @pascal, @mseaton, @wyclif , @dkayiwa
To help coordinate a time for the first OpenMRS Technology Radar Team meeting I have created a Doodle poll. Please take a couple minutes to post your availability to have a call. During the call you can decide the regularity of calls.
@darius so glad to hear this worked out well. Is there a place where outcomes are being kept from these calls?
Next weeks Wednesday design forum is open so we could definitely get this on the schedule. Is there anyone who knows they can not attend @burke, @sunbiz, @pascal, @mseaton, @wyclif , @dkayiwa?
We lost some steam on this, but we’ve done some good work so far! I’d like to get us moving again. I have printed out a copy of the text so far to read on an upcoming flight. Maybe others want to refamiliarize themselves also, and we can make asynchronous edits, and set up a final signoff meeting in a month or so.