(Daniel Kayiwa)
October 4, 2017, 3:12pm
We are planning releases for the next version of the platform and reference application. Do you see ways in which your students can contribute towards requirements engineering for these? Even if it is just advising us on how to improve our requirements engineering process for subsequent releases, it will still be a very valuable contribution!
The two threads below will give you some details regarding how we are collecting these requirements:
We need to get a release of the Platform out soon. OpenMRS Core 2.1.0 was released in April 2017 without a corresponding Platform release, so the next release of the Platform will be version 2.2.
Per the Platform Vision , we would like not only to bring add new features to the Platform, but also incorporate some of the modules which are used by nearly every implementation.
Current candidates for Platform 2.2:
Incorporate the Idgen Module into the Platform.
Add Encounter Diagnoses (TRUNK-5015 )
Continuing the discussion from Reference Application 2.6.0 Is Released. :
Now that Ref App 2.6 is out, it is time to shift gears to 2.7 which will be released in October 2017.
As an implementor what do you want to see in this release - what are your top 5 asks?
As a developer who is customizing and extending Ref App - what advances do you want to see?
As a user, hospital, health facility, doctor - what do you want to see in the next release?
The approach for 2.7 will follow similar m…
These other two links could also give you some sense of how we have been doing our road map:
Then this other thread will give you some bits for the bahmni openmrs distribution:
As you’ve all probably seen, we’re in the midst of transforming Bahmni from being a ThoughtWorks-owned project, to being a true FOSS project, with a coalition of organizations and individuals collaborating on its software development.
In early October, in just a few weeks, we will be spinning up a new iteration of the development team, and with this, we’ll be putting together a new Road Map.
In the medium-term, we’ll have a more formal Roadmap process (which is very underspecified i…
Just in case you want to look at this too: Log In - OpenMRS Wiki