Bahmni PAT call 04-Apr-2018 - Next Release and Roadmap Proposal

On next week’s PAT call we have two important roadmap-related topics (and then hopefully we can get back to actually discussing features and functionality!)

  1. Clarify the scope and timing of the next release (0.91)
  2. Propose a roadmap to guide us for the next 6 months.

For short-term work, we had previously short-listed some work areas on the Feb 21 call.

For the roadmap, we’ve spent our last 4 hours of PAT calls making very quick assessments of the value to the Bahmni product of proposed roadmap items. I just estimated the effort required to do each item. (I did this myself very quickly, so feedback is highly appreciated.)

Prior to the call, please familiarize yourself with the suggested items on this trello board and review/comment on their cost/benefit summary on this google sheet:

Please edit/suggest changes to priority and effort directly on this document, not on the trello board, since I did a one-time export…

For example by a very crude cost-benefit score (which is dominated by low-effort items) the highest-prioritized items would be these:

Value	Cost	Label
6	1	Form Builder Extensibility
5	1	Author Discharge Summary
5	1	Role Based Access for Dashboards
5	1	Role based access for reports
5	1	RTL Language Support for Bahmni
5	1	Bulk upload of patients and Lab results information in OpenELIS
5	1	Patient master documents storage

Call-in details

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Reminder that this call is in ~14 hours.

To look at this from another angle, here’s a view sorted by priority then by cost-benefit (removing things already resourced):

Priority	Effort	Label
Very High	Low	Form Builder Extensibility (mainly docs)
High	Low	Author Discharge Summary
High	Low	Role Based Access for Dashboards
High	Low	Role based access for reports
High	Low	RTL Language Support for Bahmni
High	Low	Bulk upload of patients and Lab results information in OpenELIS
High	Low	Patient master documents storage
High	Medium	Ability to sync all orderables from emr to erp
High	Medium	Medicine Administration Record (MAR)
High	Medium	Internationalization Gaps
High	Medium	Indicating priority for lab orders
High	Medium	Multi language sync between EMR and ELIS
High	Medium	Indicating non conformity for lab tests in EMR
High	Medium	Patient Record Viewable to Care Stream only
High	Medium	Meta Concepts should be set to Default locale
High	Medium	Favourites in Orders Tab

Looking forward to tomorrow’s discussion!

I don’t know how much this is welcome for this PAT call, but we have feedback coming from our latest implementation that went live a couple of weeks ago (limiting myself here to the more important points):

  • (Medication Ordering) Usual values to be picked from for units, drug forms, durations and duration units. This should be configurable through the config (presumably).

  • (Medication Ordering) Move the “Start Date” field to the top (before medication name) as it interrupts the tab group flow and is never changed.

  • (Medication Ordering) Possibility to configure dashboard widgets somewhere close to the medication form.
    See: Feature Request: Display Vitals/Diagnoses in Medications App

  • Control the formatting of displaying the name across Bahmni Apps.
    See: Display Family Name before Given Name on patient icons

  • Implement displaying the local name in further screens (eg, clinical patient queues).

  • (Orders Fulfillment) Necessity to key in the fulfillment per order in the Orders Fulfillment App.
    See: EMR Lab Results Entry discussion

  • (Registration - mobile only) DOB should allow to not use the date picker widget.
    See: Date of Birth entry slow/impractical on tablets

@ouiliam let me know if I forgot something out of the most important non-implementation specific items.

For speeding up Meds ordering, the idea was to replace dropdowns and enhance textboxes with buttons for common amounts, eg [1][2][3] , routes and durations eg [1][2][3][5][7][30][days][weeks][months] Buttons would be to the right of or below the relevant textbox.

This would be much faster than dropdowns, and meds ordering is one of the bottlenecks.

For vitals/diagnoses widgets, we’d like them to be visible on the medication form (not close to), maybe at the top.

Notes from today’s PAT call:


  • About the next release:
    • We want to push for the 0.91 release to be dev-complete soon (maybe the end of this month). @mksd, @pramidat, and @shruthipitta have some specific To Dos to determine the timing.
    • We should plan for a community QA Testing period. Look for an announcement as soon as we’ve locked down the timing.
  • About the 6-month roadmap
    • Plan for 0.92 to be purely focused on platform upgrades (CentOS, Odoo)
    • Tagged a few items for 0.93
    • We’ll continue discussion with an extra PAT call next week.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Display Family Name before Given Name on patient icons

Oops, we had planned to have an extra PAT call this week to continue this discussion, but I see that conflicts with OpenMRS’s quarterly scrum of scrums call that I also lead. (I don’t know if @angshuonline can definitely attend or not.)

Do people want to…

  • (a) do this call without me
  • (b) try to do it one day earlier, Tuesday, i.e. in about 26 hours from now
  • (c ) just wait until next week for our regularly-scheduled call

I think we can meet next week in our regularly-scheduled call.