Welcome! Please introduce yourself

Hello @shahidfoy, @suruchi, @elishabantana and @anushasingh996 you are much welcome to the community, if you have not been to this link before please use it for more guidance on how to contribute to the community https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Getting+Started+as+a+Developer.


Thank you for the warm welcome

thanks in the http://devmanual.openmrs.org/en/Case_study/yourFirstModule.html section do we need to edit Items.java.

I am currently looking at the Customize Your Module section of that web page

Hi everyone,

I am Chamath Abeysinghe from Sri Lanka. Currently I am a final year undergraduate at Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Moratuwa.

I am thrilled to join this community and looking forward to contribute and get to know people.


Hello, My name is Kendra and I am a university student in Colorado. I am currently working with Shaid Froy on our year end project.

Hi Everyone, My name is Misikir Mehari , I am a senior computer science student at a university in Colorado. I am currently working on my final project and chose OpenMRS and look forward to be a contributor.

@klambo94, @mmehari you are welcome to the community.

Hello Everyone, My name is Kigotho Mureithi, a Business Systems Analyst with special interest in EMRs/EHRs. I look forward to geting started on learning more about OpenMRS and making contribution towards this noble course while at the same time building on my skill-set and knowledge. Thank you

Hello. I am Alice Rowan and I am an undergraduate student in Colorado. I’d like to help develop OpenMRS as my senior project.

Hello Community,
I am a Bahmni implementor based out of Bangalore, India. Previously I used to work in Thoughtworks Bahmni implementation team. Now I provide professional Bahmni and DHIS2 consulting and implementation services as part of Nuchange Informatics. I and my team have completed Bahmni implementations in India, Cambodia, Zambia and Nepal. As part of the ongoing implementations, I am planning to develop some features in Bahmni. Your suggestions and feedback will be much appreciated. Looking forward to the discussions with you. Thanks, Arun Paul


This is Tomasz Mueller from SolDevelo I’m back in OpenMRS and this time I will be contributing to testing OpenMRS Sync 2.0 Anyone willing to join testing of this feature is welcomed to join OpenMRS QA Team at https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/QA+Testing+Manual and follow Sync 2.0 MVP testing topic

Best Regards, Tomasz

what is a good resource/documentation that you would recommend reading for testing openmrs??

@tmueller @alicerowan, @kigothomureithi you are welcome to the community we look forward for your contribution.

Hi, @shahidfoy

I would recommend https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/QA+Testing+Manual, however it was made for Reference Application module, while currently the Sync 2.0 module needs to be tested. Testing techniques (creating and executing test cases) are the same though. Sync 2.0 testing manual will be created soon.

Do you want to contribute to Sync 2.0 testing? If yes, please reply to Sync 2.0 MVP testing topic I mentioned

Thanks for your reply,

Best Regards, Tomasz

Hi, I am Denis Houzibe from Cameroon, a computer science graduate, passionate developer with 4 years experience as software developer in industries. I came to know openmrs as I am working on a hospital management solution and openmrs is the choice of the company.It was difficult for me to get started with the platform but later on started enjoying it and want to know more about it and even contribute to the community.Hope I will have fun in this community…Hi to the community.

welcome to the community we look forward for your contribution.

Thank you very much

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Hey everyone, I am Arthur Thungu, a software developer at Andela Kenya. I am suer excited to be joining the OpenMRS community. I’m looking forward to making some great contributions to the product and learning as much as I can from everyone here.


Hello Everyone, My name is Sarata, holding a MBA in ebusiness and a bachelor in computer science from Laval University in Quebec City. I am newly experiencing OpenMRS as I am working on hospitals information systems right now. I am happy to be a part of the community.

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Hey everyone, I am Cecilia Nalubega, a developer at Andela. I am excited to be a part of the team and this great adventure. I am looking forward to having a great experience.