Welcome! Please introduce yourself

I am Anuj Solanki and I am in my second year of BTech in Computer Science from IIT Mandi. I am interested in machine learning and Android development and have a good command over languages such as C, C++, Python, Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, HTML, CSS and MySQL.

I am passionate about open source contribution and want to develop new skills while doing so. Being a part of your organisation, I would really appreciate it if you could guide me in the right direction. If there is any task, project or any open issue that i can do please let me know. Looking forward to your response.

Contant Emails: anuj603362@gmail.com b21151@students.iitmandi.ac.in

Hello Everyone, I am Pranavdhar, a third year CSE student from india. I am technically a Full-stack developer having knowledge in the technologies like MERN Stack, NextJs, Django(Python), GraphQL, and restful APIs, Git. And I always love to practice new technologies and meet new people.

I have great interest in working in open source projects and would like to contribute in OpenMRS as it is one such organization which is working to improve the healthcare which I personally feel the importance.

Where can we discuss about the proposed projects if we have questions or want to understand more about the projects or we have to wait until OpenMRS is accepted as a mentoring organization?

Hi, I am Salifu Njidda from Cameroon. I am an under grad computer Engineering student at University of Buea. I was reading through a document about open source and came accross a program(GSoC) promoting open source contributions among developers. In this program i found many participating organizations among which i got much interest to this OpemMRS which has very exciteing projects and tackling the most important aspect of our daily life that is our health. In light with this, I am interested in contributing to the goals of this Org during GSoC2023 and beyond GSoC. This Org is just so interesting and exciting to be part of. I will appreciate if someone can help point me out to where I can get started as a begginer. thank you all!

@armanalam could you take a look at? Interested Contributors, Get Ready for GSoC 2023

@njiddasalifu @iampranavdhar welcome to the community. Checkout the link above for guidance about GSoC.

Hello folks :wave:

Hello, everyone. My name is Phylis from Kenya. I am an OpenMRS developer in training under UoN. I am so glad to be part of this community and looking forward to interacting with you all and most important to learn from you. :slight_smile:

Hello everyone . My name is Aryan gupta and currently studying Information technology for Punjab University . I love making websites and currently learning blockchain . I am really looking forward to interacting with you all guys and contributing to community

Hello @adarsh1

@daffodils @adarsh1 @aryangypta05 welcome to the community. Clicking in the links 1 and +2 would be a starting point.

Hello every one i am Maru from Ministry of Health - Ethiopia , i am part of National EMR deployment team.

Hello everyone. I’m Sseruwu Farooq, a university graduate from Makerere University K’LA with a BSc in Software Engineering, based in Uganda. I am a full-stack developer in JS, Java, and Python and also a QA engineer. I love open source and looking forward to collaborating with everyone here to actively contribute to this project. cheers.

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@maru @araalifarooq welcome to the community .if you face any kind of Error, problems then we are here for solving that issues.

Happy Coding :upside_down_face:


Hello beautiful people. My name is Phylis Kiruri, an OpenMRS developer in training. I am currently under the UoN-Kenya umbrella. I have a degree in Software Engineering with background experience in database management, and Quality Assurance. I am so happy to be part of this community and I am looking forward to learning from you all. I’ll see you soon.

Hello people, I got here through a search for ways to contribute to help others in my spare time and also improve as a developer. I have been in the industry for 10 years and I have never been so motivated to participate in a project. I’m amazed with how well documented and tools are available, I’m looking forward to start contributing to some task either backend or frontend please feel free to contact me for anything Regards and peace

Welcome onboard! Did you get a chance to look at the tasks listed here? https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Contribute+as+a+Developer

Hi Everyone, I am Ndukwe a Junior UX Designer in Healthcare. Happy to be here.

would love some orientation.

Hi OpenMRS Community, I am Shamly. Final year undergraduate In Software engineering at IIT Srilanka. Worked as an SE intern at wso2 last year. I’m interested in any Java-related projects. also, I can learn new things while doing the project. Hoping to participate in the GSoC 2023.

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Hello everyone :wave: , I’m Ankit Kiran , a 2nd year undergrad from NIT Rkl, INDIA I’ve been building projects using HTML,CSS, Javascript, REACT JS, and node js/firebase for backend. I love learning while collaborating and adding value to meaningful projects.

Looking forward to contribute in OpenMrs :heart: , can u please guide me with useful resources to get started, Thanks :smiley:

Hello everyone! My name is Aditya Gupta , and I am from 3rd-year DSCE , bangalore. I am knowledgeable in various technologies including Android Development using Kotlin, MVVM, MVP, and Firebase & MongoDB as backend. I also have hands-on experience with Flask and NodeJS. I am excited to be a part of this community and to share my knowledge and learn from all of you.