Welcome! Please introduce yourself

Hi everyone, I’m Varun Shrivastava. I’m currently pursing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from IIIT Pune, India. I’m proficient in Python and JavaScript, and I’m looking forward to GSOC 23. So how should i get started?

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Hi I’m Ifeanyi Iheme from Lagos, Nigeria. I am a frontend developer and a GSOC prospect. I am happy to be here and I would like to contribute to MRS organisation.

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Hey OpenMRS Community, Myself Tanay Morakhia. I am a undergraduate Computer Science student. I have a sound knowledge of Java and Data Structures and Algorithms. Really excited to contribute to OpenMRS and looking forward to GSOC 2023.

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@tanay26 @ifeanyihm @varuns22 , a very warm welcome to the OpenMRS community, please checkout this link to get started Guide for the New and Curious - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki

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Hey there! My self Armaan, an engineering undergrad. Lookin forward to be a part of this amazing community and contribute in this coming GSoC. I have been looking forward to the proposed ideas and I am very keen to explore more. Guidance for the same would be amazing.

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Hi there everyone,

Martin here, i’m a Software Developer with knowledge of frontend (TypeScript/ React) and C#.

Looking forward to contributing to the project!

Hello all, I’am Dolphe, i’m a beginners on openmrs, i would like to learn, practice and participate in the community forum maybe for help :wink:.


Hello OpenMRS Community, Myself Utkarsh Agarwal. I am doing a master’s in computer applications. I am familiar with JAVA, Data Structures and Algorithms and have basic knowledge in HTML, CSS, and javascript. I want to contribute to OpenMRS, so please guide me to get started.

Hello world! This is Tasmiya Sarguroh here, a second year IT undergrad. I am newbie in open-source contributions, but known many languages such as Java, C++, C and Python. I would love to contribute to OpenMRS to create innovative solutions. But for that I need guidance from our mentors. So, as I mentioned earlier too can you please suggest some resources to learn your technologies that you’ve used in your project and can you please assign a good first issue for the starting. Let’s get started Write Code, Save Lives!!!

Hello world! This is Daniel, am in my second year IT undergraduate. I am looking foreword to add on my journey in open-source contributions, Am quit introduced and knowing some programming languages such as Java, JavaScript ( Both Front end and Back end development) C++, C and Python. I would love to contribute to OpenMRS to create innovative solutions. But for that I need guidance from our mentors. So, as I mentioned earlier too can you please suggest some resources to learn your technologies that you’ve used in your project and may you please assign a good first issue for the start and i will be very great full for guidance. Let’s get started Write Code, Save Lives!!! Staying as Ntege Daniel

Welcome to the community @armanalam , @martinl , @rouslong , @utkarsh3112 , @tasmiya20 and @danielmarvin. It is good to have you here :smiley: To get you started, please check out this guide. Amongst other things, it will introduce you to the community, what we are all about, help you discover the various squads and teams and how you can join whichever that piques your interest. Explore away…


Welcome to the community Haftamu. Feel free to interact.

Thanks for the resource

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@bp12345 @rukundob451 @faithariong @user234 @parthis @dinahgrace @abhishek077 @rithvik @varuns22 @ifeanyihm @tanay26 @armanalam @martinl @utkarsh3112 @tasmiya20 @danielmarvin would be worth taking a closer look at


Welcome to the community Daniel. We welcome you here.

Kindly dont miss this 2023-02-09:Newcomers Orientation Session

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Don’t miss this

Thank you Ssebana Suubi Joshua for sharing it I’ve registered for it. Excited about the event.

Hello Everyone I’m Phanendhar Reddy, Recently graduated with Computer Science Engineering. I’ve got good experience in Java Full Stack Development. I’m here to learn. And planning to apply for GSOC 2023 program. Looking for an exciting opportunity. Thank you Phanendhar Reddy

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Your welcome @user234

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