Sync 2.0 Showcase

@kmadej @jslawinski

We have setup a couple of sync servers and overall it seems to work have the feedback so far:

  1. Patient Attributes are not synced
  2. How can one disable the ability to sync from the parent? Can a global variable be setup for this?
  3. Audit Log:
    • Additional filter and search options - by date (between dates), resource values (say Person named Stephen)
    • Button to refresh the page - I use the browser refresh but would be great to have an action btton
  4. Sync Status page - what is queued, done - seems to be like the Audit Trail with those that are pending and have not been done yet .
  5. When viewing a message, can it be shown in a popup or on the same page, and can the details of the message be displayed

In the next 2-3 weeks the UgandaEMR team has an opportunity to leverage sync to merge two OpenMRS instances into one - so will look to leveraging the Sync Demo environment Docker to setup and run this. Will be sharing our experiences and learnings