Propose a Design Forum Topic

Based on yesterday’s quarterly Scrum of Scrums I would like to propose several design topics:

  1. Data Warehousing and Analytics

    • Description: The eSaude team wants to work on data warehousing and analytics in the upcoming quarter. They are interested to learn about existing work by Bahmni and PIH, to understand if they can leverage one of these approaches.
    • Required attendee(s): @ningosi, @valvijo, @pramidat, @mseaton
    • Desired Timing: eSaude should comment on this
  2. UI Dev Conventions

    • Description: A lot of JS development is happening these days, it feels very scattered, and many people don’t know what the current best practices are or what code/libraries they should be starting from. Let’s have a call to see if we can identify good practices and reusable components being used in recent development, and document them in an obvious place.
    • Required attendee(s): @dkayiwa, @darius, (@raff), @darius, @burke, @mogoodrich
    • Desired Timing: no preference
  3. OCL for OpenMRS