What we decided on the TAC today
In today’s TAC call we agreed that:
- we need a board in Jira to be a single place to see issues involved in our Platform 2.5 release. This thread is about this board.
- we’ll just use Core 2.5 for 2.5-related trunk tickets in Jira, since having both “Platform 2.5” and “Core 2.5” as Version options is confusing. I’ve removed “Platform 2.5” as a TRUNK version option.
- We also decided to reduce the scope of Platform 2.5 to no longer auto-bundle OWA + addonManager, but Burke is going to address that in a separate Talk thread.
Platform 2.5 Release Board
Using the previous board I created for 2.5, we’ve now updated the Platform 2.5 Jira Board. Check it out here:
This pulls in issues from:
- FM2
JQL Query Details
I have created a Search Filter called “Platform 2.5 Board”. Anyone can view it. You can see the search here: https://issues.openmrs.org/issues/?filter=23950
Specifically, the 2.5 Platform JQL query looks like this:
(affectedVersion in ("Core 2.4.0", "Core 2.5.0", "Platform 2.4.0", "Platform 2.5.0", "RESTWS 2.30.0", "RESTWS 2.31.0", "FM2 1.1.0", "FM2 1.2.0") OR fixVersion in ("Core 2.5.0", "Platform 2.5.0", "RESTWS 2.31.0", "FM2 1.2.0") AND fixVersion not in ("Core 2.4.0", "Platform 2.4.0", "RESTWS 2.30.0", "FM2 1.1.0")) OR (project = Platform AND resolution = Unresolved)
The query that creates this board captures 3 key areas:
- Open PLAT issues: Any unresolved tickets from the Platform (PLAT) project
- 2.5-related AffectedVersion: any tickets with affectedVersion = “Core 2.4.0”, “Core 2.5.0”, “Platform 2.4.0”, “Platform 2.5.0”, “RESTWS 2.30.0”, “RESTWS 2.31.0”, “FM2 1.1.0”, “FM2 1.2.0”
2.5-related FixVersion: any tickets with fixVersion = “Core 2.5.0”, “Platform 2.5.0”, “RESTWS 2.31.0”, “FM2 1.2.0”
- Remove tickets fixed in previous release: Removes any tickets that already have the fixVersion labelled as “Core 2.4.0”, “Platform 2.4.0”, “RESTWS 2.30.0”, “FM2 1.1.0”
@dkayiwa @burke @mogoodrich @mseaton are you satisfied with this based on our discussion today? And can you think of any versions that should also be added to this query (e.g. Platform 2.3.2-related stuff?)
CCing also @ssmusoke @mksd @ibacher as well as an FYI and in case you have any query change requests