2021-04-23: Technical Action (TAC) call

Friendly reminder about our TAC call this week Friday!

When: Friday at 10am EDT / 7am PDT / 5pm EAT / 4pm CET / 2pm UTC

Where: om.rs/zoomtac


  • Platform 2.5 Planning: What exactly is the roadmap, & how we plan to resource it
    • (We’ll be especially looking for feedback from implementers in what should be included.)
  • Security Updates as needed
Notes and Previous Recordings: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/Technical+Action+Committee+Notes
CC: @burke @mksd @mksrom @ibacher @k.joseph @ccwhite23 @dkayiwa @wanyee @janflowers @ssmusoke @jdick @aojwang @morrisng @mogoodrich @mseaton @bistenes & please CC others you think would be interested.

Recording: Technical Action Committee (TAC) - Indiana University

Decisions made: In today’s TAC call we agreed that:

  1. we need a board in Jira to be a single place to see issues involved in our Platform 2.5 release. See this new thread for more details: Platform 2.5 Release Management Board

  2. we’ll just use Core 2.5 for 2.5-related trunk tickets in Jira, since having both “Platform 2.5” and “Core 2.5” as Version options is confusing. I’ve removed “Platform 2.5” as a TRUNK version option.

  3. We also decided to reduce the scope of Platform 2.5 to no longer auto-bundle OWA + addonManager, but Burke is going to address that in a separate Talk thread.