Platform 2.3 Beta Release

Hi @ruhanga were you able to complete the remaining work for plat 30? Are you facing any blockers?

Can you also please update your release page to reflect the current status of tickets :slight_smile:

Hi @c.antwi, thanks for the kind reminder. In a nut shell, all work on PLAT-30 is ready for merging. Towards the end of this past week I’ve had unexpectedly an emergency of a patient to care-take which interrupted my routines. Kind apologies, our Platform 2.3.Beta should have been released by the 23rd this month. I’m having to catch up ASAP to ensure we have this released out by 26th. I’ll be updating the release management page accordingly. Otherwise I currently do not have any blocker.

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Hi all,

I’d like to have the released downloadable Platform version which at the moment is 2.3.0-alpha built on Bamboo to Sourceforge. Is there any extra credential or config that is necessary for this? Artifacts except the SNAPSHOT version that failed were released to Maven. This can be seen here . Bamboo was not smart enough to figure out the correct SNAPSHOT.

What could be the way forward to have the artifacts published to Sourceforge? Thanks.

cc: @cintiadr, @samuel34, @dkayiwa

So the release step failed for a very weird reason.

It was able to successfully

|build|30-Aug-2019 06:55:02|[INFO] Cleaning up after release...|
|build|30-Aug-2019 06:55:02|[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|build|30-Aug-2019 06:55:02|[INFO] BUILD SUCCESS|
|build|30-Aug-2019 06:55:02|[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|build|30-Aug-2019 06:55:02|[INFO] Total time: 59.325 s|
|build|30-Aug-2019 06:55:02|[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-30T06:55:02+00:00|
|build|30-Aug-2019 06:55:02|[INFO] Final Memory: 12M/174M|
|build|30-Aug-2019 06:55:02|[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------|

And from the code, you can see it started the snapshot deployment.

mvn deploy -DskipTests -B

And then I went to the distribution code, and it’s calling build-distro on the process-resources phase by default. So it makes sense that maven is attempting to download the snapshot (as the war would be only created after the package maven phase.

So I’d probably recommend to bind build-distro to phase later than package. You can test that by deleting the snapshots from your ~/.m2/repository folder, and running mvn install, and verify that the build-distro phase didn’t attempt to download a snapshot.

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After you do that, I recommend you cut another release, possibly alpha-2 or similar.

No shortage of numbers :slight_smile:

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cc ruhanga

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@ruhanga How far are we? Can we get this piece of work finished this week?

Hi @c.antwi, I’m doing a number of testing and so far a few bugs may need to be fixed before a beta release. Gathering a few more details. I’ll be opening talk threads for those so far found. In brief,

  1. The latest OpenMRS Concept dictionary is a little out of sync with the Platform, atleast with the version I’ve tested with (openmrs_concepts_2.2). Updating the database onto of the this specified version of the Concept Dictionary produces a liquibase update error.
  2. A minor bug uncovered by the work done on Alternate Authentication schemes, doing a logout of the platform after triggering the platform’s context refresh then doing a login again fails until one clears the browser cache. I’ve reported this issue on the related ticket TRUNK-381. Some work is already being done towards resolving this, first to get the exact culprit.

Is the beta release out?

We wanted to annotate more classes in core that represent patient clinical data i.e Allergy, Diagnosis and Condition and include this in 2.3 release, I can possibly get this done by end of Tuesday .

I have created TRUNK-5660, TRUNK-5661 and TRUNK-5662 to use annotations for Allergy, Condition and Diagnosis

Hi @wyclif, sorry I lost track of your prior comment. The platform 2.3.0-beta was release about a week ago packaged with the featured tickets here. Here is the related topic OpenMRS Platform 2.3.0-beta released for testing.

We will most probably backport these changes when merged into master to the associated branch 2.3.x as part of its maintenance releases once 2.3.0 full release is out as well.

Ok, thanks!

@ruhanga we actually want to backport them before the release so that they are in the 2.3.0 version

Thank you @wyclif, hoping this goes through well. Let me know as soon as the above tickets are merged into master as I’m getting the full release out in the next one week if we have no issues reported to address with the 2.3.0-beta release.

cc @mogoodrich, @c.antwi, @mksd, @dkayiwa