Order Entry UI Sprint 4 Progress
Hi everyone,
As we approach the end of the current sprint (sprint 4), permit me to share the project’s progress update on behalf of the team.
The current sprint began on 2018-05-07. Prior to this sprint, we had the following sprints: Order Entry UI Sprint 1 Progress , Order Entry UI Sprint 2 Progress and Order Entry UI Sprint 3 Progress.
Below are the tasks we have been able to complete in the current sprint:
Save edited drug order
Make a POST request to actually add orders
Checking the existence of encounter role
Implement updates to POST discontinuing an order
Front End Implement Pagination for Active Orders
Fix Linter and prop type validation issues
Re-implement edit drug draft order
Optimize app to use initial state implementation for reducers
Bug fix for failing app test file
Remove unused files from the app
Remove index.test.js file
Update reducer test files to improve on the codebase test coverage
OEUI-112 Fix cannot execute statement error when adding order
RESTWS-707 Fix bug in
We also have some tasks currently in progress and others awaiting code review. See more here - link
Below are screen screenshots of the running app:
Entering drug details:
After clicking the save
Newly created drug order:
Edit active drug order: 1 milligram
to 2 milligram
Newly edited draft order: now 2 milligram
Saved edited draft order:
DIscontinue active order:
Active drug order discontinued, no active order:
Edited and discontiued orders now in Past Drug Orders
cc @dkayiwa @flavia @zeze @larrystone @geofrocker @betty @darius @mogoodrich @kodero