Hi Mwariri, @eudson, and @wamz,
@dagimm and I had a quick catch-up call this morning and shared the following priorities/next step ideas for the Ethiohri MVP:
- Reporting: Demo data is needed for generating & testing tx_new & tx_curr. Details: Ethiohri: Reporting: Demo data for testing
- Labs: MVP is just a way to record VL & CD4 in the Follow-up Form . Details: Ethiohri: Labs: Mini-form to record VL & CD4?
- Drugs: Need decision on modelling regimen concepts. Details: Ethiohri: Medication Regimens: Decision on how to model regimen concepts?
- Address-hiearchy widget: Great progress; next step is to get it into a public esm repo. Details: O3: Autocomplete Component (searchable dropdown) - #10 by sinte
- Ethiopia Calendar: @amanryder working on getting it to save data in the OHRI Forms Engine.
Those are the remaining needs that came to mind for us - anything else on your minds?