Ethiohri: Labs: Mini-form to record VL & CD4?

Next step with Ethiohri Labs for MVP: per @dagimm, MVP goal is just a way to record VL & CD4 in the Follow-up Form.

I recommend we have a small Reference Form that just has VL, CD4 etc, so that lab results could be entered independent of a Follow-up Form, but then this Lab Results mini-form can be embedded in the Follow-up form. Should be very fast for @desalegnl & @asresut to create. And as long as the concept-type is type “Test”, then it will also show up in the O3 Test results widget.

@samuel34/@eudson does the OHRI Form Engine already support embedded/referenced forms like Ampath Forms does (eg using the schema for “Component forms”)? Sorry I can’t recall.

CC @wamz @mayanja

Hi Grace,

OHRI Forms has support for “sub-forms”. The only difference from Ampath forms’ support is: any standalone form can be embedded to any other form and if they have different EncounterTypes, they can post multiple encounter(s). Checkout docs for details.


@grace OHRI Form Engine supports embedded forms and currently there is a form to record VL and another to record CD4 both of which have been embedded in the follow up form.

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