Ethiohri: Reporting: Demo data for testing

So: The @ICAPEthiopia team needs some demo data for generating & testing tx_new & tx_curr. (Likely this will be done via mamba-etl.)

Here are some resources that I thought would be useful:

  • OMRS Demo Data set: (A sample anonymized data set, including 5,000 patients and 500,000 observations, is available to download for current OpenMRS Platform versions and import into your existing database.) Demo Data - Resources - OpenMRS Wiki
  • Python notebook I have used to auto-generates and puts sample data (esp sample VL data) directly into patient charts through the rest API (though this is only 1 pt at a time and you need to have already created the patient): Google Colab

@eudson @alaboso anything else you’d suggest? Apparently a dev team member from ICAP-ET will be completely dedicated to working on these DATIM Reports in about 1 week or so.

@grace This reminds me of @gcliff fellowship project for Patient Level Indicator Reporting, which was a proof of concept for extracting & then calculating tx_curr. It’s similar to the proof of concept that @mozzy worked on for tx_pvls.

@grace we have generated dummy data for HTS that can be pushed into openmrs(for OHRI). We used R programming to generate the data. The next step is generating dummy data for care and treatment.

Hi @dagimm did you guys get the sample data you needed to start testing the reports?

@grace Thank you for raising it here. Will start working on it starting from next week and the experience shared in this thread will be where we are going to start. cc @kalkidan