How can I setup email notifications for talk? I looked around very briefly, I know I can mark it on individual threads but was not able to figure out how to do it for all topics.
How can I setup email notifications for talk? I looked around very briefly, I know I can mark it on individual threads but was not able to figure out how to do it for all topics.
See the topic below. You’ll want to enable the “every new post” option at OpenMRS Talk.
I also found it very important to turn on the setting for:
Do not suppress email notifications when I am active on the site
I no longer see this option of Send me an email for every new post (unless I mute the topic or category)
under preferences. Could this explain why i no longer get email notifications for every talk post like i used to before?
@cintiadr @permissionerror @jwnasambu @grace @ibacher @burke
Seems likely that’s the culprit… is it possible that Discourse is no longer running in mailing list mode for some reason?
@cintiadr @permissionerror could there be a reason why we are running a beta version of discourse? Discourse 2.7.0.beta4
There was a Discourse site wide admin setting Disallow users from enabling mailing list mode
which was turned off. When i turned it back on, i was able to again see the Enable mailing list mode
option under my account preferences. It was still turned on as before. After which, i resumed receiving email notifications for every post, as expected.
Discourse is continuously delivered. Their “beta” versions are highly reliable and keeping up with changes not ensures we get security patches and gives us latest features by doing simple web-based upgrades frequently with essentially no downtime.
Oh i see! thanks @burke