We need some testing. Many of you already have accounts, however – please try creating new accounts. We recently fixed a couple major bugs related to user signup thanks to @marioareias for that!
In order to prevent issues like the last time we deployed 2.1, unless the community tests this…2.1 will NOT be deployed without this being done. Considering ID Dashboard is a critical component of the community, I’d recommend helping to test this – since 2.1 is not only more stable, but it also is leaps and bounds better what we have right now.
If you tested this and encountered an issue, tell us. If you tested it and encountered no issues, also tell us that.
Robby, I tried creating an id and it seemed to work fine.
I used a fake email because it said that my openmrs one was already taken, so I couldn’t click on the email to activate.
What do you want us to be testing? (And do you want people to just comment on this talk thread with their results?)
From a UX perspective:
It’s annoying that the password strength hint disappears (so you can get an error that just says “too short” without showing a hint about strength)
It’s annoying that the Join the Community button is enabled even without the captcha being passed (particularly because after I click the captcha I have to wait a second before I can successfully click the Join button).
(I don’t think these UX issues are worth fixing. I’m just commenting.)
Yes, I want people to comment here…specifically intentionally trigger validation errors. That’s when things fell apart last time. [quote=“darius, post:2, topic:11425”]
It’s annoying that the password strength hint disappears (so you can get an error that just says “too short” without showing a hint about strength)
This is easily fixable
Everything is asynchronously – so…we kinda can’t disable it…I mean we could but this is one of those things not worth fixing
I created a new account and supplied an email address for verification.
I got the email but when i click the verification link, it takes me to https://id.openmrs.org/ with an error message “The requested signup verification does not exist.”
I just tried again and this time the account verification link worked successfully. I was able to use the new account to sign in after logging out.
@r0bby since this was just for testing, can you delete the accounts? One had id “kayiwa” and the second had id “kayiwadaniel”
all issue were with sign up…the bug we had was that if you had validation errors it caused issues…we fixed that…deployment the last time was a disaster…it nearly forced me back full time to watch it. By and large this is stable…but we had issues with the recaptcha token becoming stale when signing up which is now fixed.
@r0bby, I think what Daniel is trying to say is that if you give us some clear instructions, we can test things out, but we’re a bit confused.
Are you saying that you want us to try creating multiple accounts, and that you want us to intentionally make errors while doing this (even beyond the testing we already did)?
I’m saying to trigger validation errors multiple times (this is when I saw errors pop up last time) – we fixed it (I believe anyways) – but needs testing before I feel comfortable throwing this up in production. By multiple times I mean your form isn’t valid – within a single attempt to sign up.
Use the same username, heck use my username…then use the wrong format for emails(foo should work for that)…then type a pw that’s less than 8 characters and larger than 100 characters…This is a pretty critical piece of infrastructure and a lack of testing is bad.
Captcha didn’t appear the first time I visited the signup page, which prevented the “Join the Community” button from working and didn’t show any error messages, which was confusing. Reloading the page showed the captcha, which allowed me to proceed. I wasn’t able to recreate the problem of captcha not appearing.
I was able to create accounts, change passwords, add alternate email. Didn’t encounter any major bugs.
Does this include changes to formage/admin? If so, can we test that as well?
Trivial feedback
Changing avatar is confusing, since information about updating the avatar is hidden under a “My Email Address(es)” header.
Consider making a separate “(current avatar image) How to change my picture” section that points people to Gravatar and/or make the avatar a link to https://en.gravatar.com/profiles/edit/
FYI – we want to start pointing people to Addons (addons.openmrs.org) instead of Modules
Changing password didn’t provide any feedback (nothing on screen stating success and no email notification that password was changed)
Thanks @r0bby for working on this, I was able to create an account, sign in and have my email verified. I think that it would be nice to have a password confirmation input when creating an account.
I hadn’t even noticed it wasn’t there before…but isn’t it extremely standard practice all over the web to ask for password confirmation whenever you create or change a password?
@burke – I made the changes with regards to the gravatar. Check the staging server now now…I think it’s clear enough. I don’t see value in adding another section. I linked to the correct link, which is https://en.gravatar.com/emails – that’s where you set the avatars, once logged in. I now link to the email edit page for gravatar now when you click the avatar.
By the time you likely see this, it will be running in staging.