Wonderful, I am happy to get a positive response here 
Yes, let’s see, here are the assignments I have given them for the first two topics:
1) Assignment: Process and project metrics
This is the hands-on assignment for you to practice getting into the details of process and projects metrics. Submission by Tuesday, Sept 26th 5pm into the BeachBoard Dropbox (our online submission system).
We will be assessing the metrics of a Humanitarian Free Open Source Software (HFOSS) project called OpenMRS. First, to get yourself acquainted with the project, you will carry out an introductory activity. Second, you will perform a project assessment and search for project, process and product metrics you can find in the project infrastructure and documentation.
_ ( … omitting description of how to get familiar with OpenMRS … )_
a) Research the different infrastructural and documentation parts of the OpenMRS system and develop a metrics catalogue (see template in table below) of what you were able to identify and classify in terms of process metrics and project metrics.
_Table to fill in with columns titled as follows: _
_- Metric (first list process metrics and then list project metrics) _
_- Instance in OpenMRS (and the source of where you found it plus URL) _
_- Unit (of measurement) _
- Assessment and Rationale (why is the metric important, is this a good or a bad value, and why do you think so)
_ _
b) Look at the bug tracker for OpenMRS and compute the defect removal efficiency (DRE) over the last 12 months. Document your assumptions, where you took the information from and what exactly you used as an input.
c) Please write about 200 words in which way the measurement of FOSS projects differs from measurement of a standard commercial software project.
2) Assignment 2: Estimation and Scheduling
This is the hands-on assignment for project estimation and scheduling. Submission required by Tuesday, Oct 3rd 5pm into the BeachBoard Dropbox.
_As you got yourself acquainted with the OpenMRS project, you hopefully _
_• Got an OpenMRS ID https://id.openmrs.org/, _
_• Introduced yourself Welcome! Please introduce yourself. _
• And got your first badges reading the guidelines etc.
And took a look around the
• Guide http://guide.openmrs.org/en/
_• Documentation Wiki https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Home _
_• Issue Database https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa _
_• Wiki Developer Guide (more concise) https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Getting+Started+as+a+Developer _
_• Developer Guide (more detailed) _
_• Collaboration tools http://devmanual.openmrs.org/en/Community/collaborationTools.html _
_If you haven’t done that yet, please do so this week. Next, I would like you to self-assess whether you have learned your way around OpenMRS yet https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/omrs-dev1 _
For the project estimation and scheduling, take a look at the Technical Roadmap to get started:
_https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Technical+Road+Map _
_Then use your best educated guess of OpenMRS for filling out the following parameters in the COCOMO calculator: http://csse.usc.edu/tools/COCOMOII.php _
Copy the results into a document and add 200 words of description on your choice of factors and your rationale for that. That includes the milestone of the Technical Roadmap you are using for your size estimate as well as the factors that go into the calculation. I’d suggest doing a table for all those factors and assumptions and then a final conclusion comment on what your experience was with trying out different numbers and settings.
Further planned assignments:
Those two past assignments made them use what we learned about in class but it doesn’t feed back into your project in any helpful or meaningful way. Therefore I would like to get some suggestions on what you think may be suitable assignments and tasks for the following topics and then we can hopefully contribute something meaningful to the project 
Potential Topics:
- Project scheduling
- Risk management
- Maintenance and reengineering
- Dependability of systems
- Reliability engineering
- Safety engineering
- Security engineering
- Resilience engineering
Looking forward to input and discussions and collaboration