GSoC 2021: Warm up practices for students

Following the Official Announcement For GSOC2021 by Google ,

GSoC 2021 timeline:

  • January 29, 2021 - Organization Applications Open
  • February 19, 2021 -Application Deadline
  • March 9, 2021 - Organizations Announced
  • March 29, 2021 - April 13, 2021 - Student Application Period
  • April 13, 2021 - May 17, 2021 - Application Review Period
  • May 17, 2021 - Student Projects Announced
  • May 17, 2021 - June 7, 2021 - Community Bonding
  • June 7, 2021 - August 16, 2021 Coding Period
  • August 31, 2021- Results Announced

please see the full Timeline here .

As students wait till March 9, 2021 For OpenMRS to be announced officially as a mentoring organisation , they can start to work on the Warm-up practices for GSoC 2021.

Warm up practics for GSoC 2021

  1. If you are new to OpenMRS, spend some time to understand the OpenMRS and its usages around the world.
  2. Install OpenMRS Reference application with modules and get familiar with the OpenMRS SDK .
  3. Start to learn about OpenMRS architectures and module development techniques .
  4. Read Developer Guide , Getting Started as a Developer , and ask others in the community if you have questions.
  5. Learn about OpenMRS Pull Request tips, How to send a Good Pull Request and coding standards.
  6. Go through the OpenMRS JIRA , and start to work on some tickets. We preferred to work on community-priority tickets, which can be found Get in OpenMRS JIRA.
  7. Help to finish the tickets which are waiting for the next Ref App or Platform releases .
  8. Be active on OpenMRS talk forum, and help others to solve their issues regarding developments, testings, and deployments.
  9. Go through the past projects to get ideas about the kinds of projects we’ve supported in the past:
    1. GSoC 2018 Projects list
    2. GSoC 2018 Final Project Submissions
    3. Gsoc 2019 Projects List
    4. Gsoc 2019 Project Submissions
    5. GSOC 2020 Project List
    6. GSOC 2020 Project Submisions
  10. Achieve /dev/1 status. (earn the /dev/null badge and then earn the Smart Developer badge by passing the quiz ).
  11. Do some code reviews . Reviewing code from others is one of the great ways to learn the OpenMRS code base.
  12. Do more and more to live with OpenMRS :smile: Enjoy …!

OpenMRS Projects

Java based projects (Few are mentioned here, you can get more from JIRA)

  1. OpenMRS Core
  2. Webservices REST Module
  3. FHIR Module
  4. EMR API
  5. Android Client

JavaScript-based projects

  1. Microfrontends
  2. System Administration OWA
  3. Add On Manager OWA
  4. Built-In Reports OWA
  5. React UI Components
  6. Cohort Builder OWA

Above programming languages are only some examples for most used programming languages for OpenMRS development. OpenMRS uses Java, JavaScript, Angular, React, Spring, Hibernate, HTML, CSS, JSP, GSP, MySQL, and so many frameworks and libraries :smile:. Please go around OpenMRS projects to get more about the languages/frameworks/libraries usages.

cc @suthagar23 @herbert24


Perfect catch @mozzy, thanks for this early bird goal for GSOC2021 warm best practices for Students :ok_hand:

Couldnt it be RefApp 2.10, or RefApp 2.11.0 since we are targeting 2021

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thanks @mozzy for the updates

thanks @mozzy.

cc : @insookwa @dbryzz @lobeserge

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nice catch @sharif

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Thanks @mozzy