Hi All,
We wish to announce the scheduled sprint 8 demo of the cohort builder module and invite all to the event which will hold on 14-06-2017 at 3:00pm GMT. Other details are stated below:
Date: 14/06/2017
Time: 3:00PM GMT
Link To Video Call: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/p4d44UbkjuYZD-tL0uqyzh-TJ0ab5aYEVDq00wKgHs0=?hl=en_US&authuser=1w
Sprint Announcement Link: Cohort Builder Sprint 8 Announcement
Demo app link: https://modules-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/owa/cohortbuilder/index.html#/
cc @darius @burke @ssmusoke @dkayiwa @janflowers @ningosi @mseaton
Regards, Azeez