Sprint 8 Announcement Overview: In the previous sprints, we have been able to pull data from the backend and search for patients using attributes and demographic fields like gender, age, date of birth alive/dead status. We can also search for patients using their encounters record. Searching for patients who are enrolled in programmes also work and we’ve been able to use fields like program, workflow & state to search. We have also implemented the search history which displays all previous searches and saves it in the sessionStorage. Saving of cohorts and viewing the patients in a cohort also works. We have also implemented delete search history and delete saved cohort history. The composition search now works and we added a description field to it, so users can combine previous searches by using boolean operators and add a description for that search. The SQL tab components have been removed as discussed here and the search history typography has been improved upon.
In this sprint, we will be focused on implementing the UI updates stated here. We Will also focus on the drug order component so that searches can be made We shall also work on other bugs here
Implement UI updates
Implement Drug order component searches
Implement Concepts and Observation search
Start Date: 30/05/2017 End Date: 12/06/2017
JIRA Board: https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=106 Github Repo: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-owa-cohortbuilder (master branch)