Congrats @beingtmk! Looking forward to working with you!
hello @judeniroshan, @mogoodrich and @suthagar23,
can we have our first weekly meeting on wednesday 7-9pm est time slot?
i have created a weekly hangouts event on google calendar!
Works for me! I will not be able to make all of them, but should be able to check in today.
can we have like a 15-20 min video call, so that we can talk about the general aspects?
doesn’t seem like @judeniroshan will be available today
can we irc or something to contact real time?
@beingtmk I missed it. How about on this weekend on the same time?
@judeniroshan, can we have the meeting?
Hi, I’m waiting here for the meeting. @beingtmk
hi @judeniroshan, sorry for the trouble, can we have the meeting on saturday?
how about three 1hour slots from 7pm-10pm cest, whichever one works for you.
i will stay online on openmrs talk between these times, so you can ping me anytime and we can have a meeting on hangouts
@judeniroshan, In the mean time i will be completing my documentation work & blog!
I will post my blog relating to the tech stack in the repository by tomorrow!
i look forward to todays meeting! i will check in at 7 pm cest.
Have you scheduled the call with mentors and send the calendar invitations?
Let me know when you check in!
@judeniroshan, i have checked in!
@judeniroshan, here is the repository which has a simple form based on the newly added components to my fork of openmrs-react-components
@beingtmk Just to clarify on your approach of the outcome of this project: you will have 2 different projects.
- Customized create-react-openmrs-app generator
- Demo project for above mentioned project
Here the repository which will contain all of my latest work.
- New Components
- Examples & Usage of
I am currently in process of refining my previous work and also workin on Drag & Drop Upload Component.