Recently we (SolDevelo Foundation) have published a few posts about our newest service for OpenMRS users - EMRS Cloud. EMRSCloud is a platform created to share OpenMRS with even more people, by hosting it on a safe and stable server with fast internet connection.
Many information you find out in that post EMRSCloud: Cloud hosting and implementation support for OpenMRS and also on our webiste https://emrscloud.com/.
Moreover, we asked the community about the most important/the most often used modules by OpenMRS users or developers here: EMRSCloud: Recommended modules.
We’re still developing, learning and every day improving ourselves as our products. But we cannot offer you a good products without your feedbacks, opinions and thoughts. To do it we need YOU. So please spend a few minutes and tell us what you think about our website, our service and would you like to try it.
Thanks in advance, Zuzanna