Welcome! Please introduce yourself

most welcome @angellanamuli to the right place for your vision. this may be helpful Guide for the New and Curious - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki

Hello everyone :smiley:

I am Janvi, a computer science student and an enthusiastic open source developer. I am very passionate about technology and innovation and have created a few projects using the Java and Python backend systems. I am super excited to be a part of this community and am hoping to join the OpenMRS team for GSOC 2023 and get to learn a lot and create reliable software systems.

Thank you @kdaud …I tapped the link and realised I need to work on a few things like earn my first budge for dev/1 and am on it.

Thank you @thembo42:v::blush:

welcome @angellanamuli 2 de community

Thank you for providing those valuable resources! I’ve achieved the “/dev/null” badge and yet to take the /dev/1 quiz. Before attempting the quiz I stumbled upon the “info” section of the google form, which asks me to provide links of

  1. issue in JIRA & 2) the pull request I’ve submitted under the OpenMRS organization. So I want to know that before attempting the quiz do I have to create an issue and submit some pr?
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Hello OpenMRS community,

My name is Arsalan Afzal, and I am a final year student at the University of KIET in Pakistan. I am currently working on a final year project that involves developing a Sign Language conversion system to help individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing. As a student, I am also committed to learning and expanding my knowledge base.

I have a strong foundation in MERN stack development and am certified by SMIT. Additionally, I have a basic understanding of other programming languages such as C#, Python, and Java. I am also keenly interested in exploring the potential of machine learning in the healthcare and other fields.

I am excited to connect with the OpenMRS community and contribute my skills and enthusiasm to the organization’s mission of providing quality healthcare to underserved populations. Thank you for considering my introduction, and I look forward to learning from and collaborating with all of you.

Hello everyone I am Harsh Panchal from India . I am currently a my Final year Student and working as a Full Stack developer at Melzo(an AR/VR base compony : https://mela.melzo.com/) . I am also currently working for my own Start up Idea .And looking forward to work with this community to serve needy patient in any possible way .

With this short intro , I want to ask one innocent question , Can I start a chat for the idea which I have for our GSOC project here only.

PS : (And I am very new to this , So It will be very great if any one could guide me in how to start , and how can I qualify for be selected as a contribute for your OpenMRS. Thank You )

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Hello there @arsalan you are very welcome. Have you tried this…Guide for the New and Curious - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki 1

Sorry I copied the link wrong…:joy::v: I think this is better.Guide for the New and Curious - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki

Thank you :blush:

Not necessarily creating an issue but rather working on at least a ticket and sending a PR to the respective module.

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@harshpanchal you can create a talk thread at https://talk.openmrs.org/ and discuss your idea with the community.

Did you get a chance to look at? Interested Contributors, Get Ready for GSoC 2023 and Summer of Code 2023 - Resources - OpenMRS Wiki

@arsalan do you find the links above helpful?

Hi community,

Hello I am Girish Bari, I understand that I have an extensive background in computer science with a strong skill set in React, JavaScript, TypeScript, blockchain, and some experience in Java and Python. I think that these technical expertise is highly sought after in the fast-paced and ever-changing technology industry.

hi @kdaud can you share some MRS project links so that I can contribute and get started with GSOC application, or should I directly go for proposal

@girishbari do you find the links above helpful?

yes, links does seem to be helpful, thanks :grinning:

Hello I am Rishabh Dixit. This is my first time experience in Open source Organization so I will give my maximum efforts in it for getting the exposure &will work hard to achieve the satisfaction.

Hello everyone! :wave:

My name is Yuntao Xie, and I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering in the United States. As a computer engineering student, I have developed a strong background in various programming languages and technologies, including Python, Django, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Vue.js. This has allowed me to explore my passion for coding and software development, and I am highly motivated to apply my skills by contributing to open-source projects and collaborating with talented developers.

I am thrilled to begin my journey in the open-source community, where I look forward to learning from experienced mentors, working alongside fellow contributors, and making a significant impact. In my free time, I enjoy diving into the world of coding and exploring new technologies such as machine learning and deep learning.

My particular interest lies in contributing to the open-source community and making a positive impact in the health industry. This is why I am excited to participate in Google Summer of Code 2023 (GSoC) and want to contribute to the OpenMRS project.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction. I eagerly anticipate connecting with you all and diving deeper into the world of open-source software development!

My Personal Website: http://people.tamu.edu/~xyt My Github: xyTom · GitHub

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