Hello Everyone! I am Mohit Aasirwal, A student and Full-Stack Web Developer from IET-DAVV Indore, India. I found the organization through GSoC23 page and looking to contribute in the organization during the programme. I’m very keen in Astronomy and loves to code for community. I found the projects listed in Organization’s GSoC page resembling with my current development skills and particularly Next Generation implementer Tools for OpenMRS3 project. Looking forward to more communication and good time contributing.
@peterwambua13452 Create a new talk post or post within a similar issue for help & setting up your SDK.
@kdaud ,Thanks for your response. Yes. I looked on the resources. I have little experience with TypeScript still learning, I am confused should I pick a TypeScript based project or not.
@peterwambua13452 post the issue at the OpenMRS talk forum so you can get support from the community.
Feel free to post questions at OpenMRS talk forum,
+New Topic
button will do for you the job.
Welcome @techie to the community. Did you take a look at? Interested Contributors, Get Ready for GSoC 2023
@havre could you create a talk post to get guidance from the community?
@nomandhoni It all depends on which project idea interests you .
Thank you @kdaud for your guidance I was able to find a valid answer from @jwnasambu after creating a talk post
Hi Everyone My Name is Youssef Gad , I’m a Third year CS Student hoping i can contribute and help that platform , and hopefully get into GSOC
@youssefgad welcome to the community. Did you get a chance to take a look at? Interested Contributors, Get Ready for GSoC 2023 and Summer of Code 2023 - Resources - OpenMRS Wiki
Yo Shubham here from NITK India. I am very excited to be a part of OpenMRS and I look forward to contribute and learn. I want to help people through OpenMRS.
Hey am Vernon from Uganda, a java and python developer as well as flutter and dart mobile app technologies. I look forward to work on any existing projects that can save a life and also save mine as well from brokeness. Its my pleasure to be on this platform and also to venture in this tech field. I can learn anything new and also good at managing my time while developing quality products. I have worked on a few projects that i would like the world to get to know about. Looking forward to working with you.
@vernonthedev You are welcome. take some time and go through this Guide for the New and Curious - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki.
Hi everyone!
I am Yash Bellary, a third-year UG student studying at Pune University in India. I have a keen interest in open source and thus, I want to participate in GSoC 23. I am quite excited by the new technologies implemented by OpenMRS in MedTech field and the awesome mentors who have in-depth knowledge about these tech stacks is really quite impressive. I would be fortunate to be able to work with such great people and contribute in this organization.
I am a tech enthusiast and a Full Stack developer. I have gained knowledge about various Web frameworks and have implemented those in different applications. I am interested to contribute in the [ GSoC 2023: Responsiveness & Tablet-based Needs for OpenMRS 3 My GitHub profile URL is: bellaryyash23 (Yash Bellary) · GitHub .
Let’s talk about the further details for the project and contribution soon.
Hello everyone! I am Rewel Kariuki from Kenya, a postgraduate student undertaking an MSc in Health Informatics at Moi University. I am very pleased to join this community. I have been a user of an openMRS-based system and my work has been more of the front end with roles of system administrator at a health facility. I would like to learn and interact with more back-end activities with much interest in learning more about data analysis and presentation tools. I am new here and I am excited to interact with new minds and help in finding solutions through modern healthcare innovations.
Hello guys, I am Asavari Ambavane, a final year engineering student at VJTI, Mumbai. You have got some really interesting projects here at Open MRS and I was hoping to contribute to some of them over the summer.
Could someone tell me how to get in touch with the mentors of the projects for GSoC 2023?
Hi everyone I am Sienna from South Korea. I am currently in my 3rd year of university majoring in computer science. I hope to become a backend developer. I am mainly interested in Java, Javascript, and mysql. I am impressed with the intention that many patients can benefit from the services provided by OpenMRS. I want to participate for this GSOC because I want to do something that helps people with the code I developed. It would be very meaningful if we could be together in the future. thank you for reading
this is my github
Sienna’sGit (github.com))
Hello OpenMRS community! I’m Noel Soans, a student in first semester of a college in Canada studying Mobile Application Development. I’ve been wanting to contribute to an open source community for a while now, and OpenMRS caught my attention. I’m impressed by the community’s commitment to improving healthcare delivery in resource-limited settings through open source technology. Although I’m new to open source contributions, I have a strong foundation in Javascript and am eager to contribute to any language or stack required to help OpenMRS achieve its goals. I’m currently exploring OpenMRS’s GitHub and learning more about the project. I’m also excited about the opportunity to participate in the Google Summer of Code (GSOC) 2023 program and collaborate with other developers worldwide.
Hey everyone! I’m Jonny and I’m a Junior Java Developer based in London, UK.
I transitioned into tech from a career in the music industry and finished up a boot camp last October. I started my first Java role in January this year and loving it so far. It is working for a company who are developing chatbot technologies for the NHS and charities.
I am really interested in getting involved in Open Source software in my spare time and OpenMRS seemed like a great place to start - what a wonderful product! I look forward to working with you all
Hi Everyone, I am Ashmit JaiSarita Gupta, an Engineering Physics Undergrad at the National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, India. I started my open source journey with Hacktoberfest 2022 and now I want to continue this journey with GSoC 2023. I want to contribute to OpenMRS due to my alignment with it’s motto to ‘Write Code to save lives’. I am a MERN Stack Web developer and want to work on the User Onboarding Project under the guidance of @vasharma05 and @dkigen. I cannot wait to put my talents to work in developing this project with the best people at OpenMRS. Here is my GitHub and LinkedIn Profile for further reference. Let’s talk about the further details for the project and contribution soon.