my sdk has refused to run for the last two days…
i have tried most of the possible ways of running it and it keeps throwing this error UI Framework ErrorRoot Errororg.openmrs.ui.framework.UiFrameworkException: v - . this error comes when itry to ship openmrs modules with the sdk. Could anyone help me identify this problem because the sdk is blocking my progress.
am using
Reference Application 2.11.0 (even the most recent brings the same error)
Are you able to share the output from running the SDK? Most likely you’re getting that error because the reference application module didn’t start on your local instance, which is likely because of an issue starting one of the modules it depends on.
If you want a really blind troubleshooting step you could try running mvn openmrs-sdk:reset to reset the state of your server, which might or might not help depending on what the underlying issue is. Note, however, that doing this will clear all of the data from you OMRS database.
To share the finding of this issue after having a sync with @ndacyayisenga, we discovered he is running a different javac version compared the one that is on mvn path. To sort out this issue he has to stick on either java 8 or java 11. Besides that he is installing RefApp 2.11.0 which doesn’t support java 11 to be on the save side he has to install java 8.
The reason I’m asking is that we’ve seen a number of reports for what looks like (from the logs @ndacyayisenga provided) the underlying issue, namely this:
WARN - AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(559) |2021-07-01T11:29:31,844| Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'initPathMatcher' defined in URL [jar:file:/home/ndacyayisenga/openmrs/server5/.openmrs-lib-cache/!/org/openmrs/module/webservices/rest/InitPathMatcher.class]: Post-processing of merged bean definition failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to introspect Class [] from ClassLoader [{ModuleClassLoader: uid=291332357;}]
But I don’t think we’ve yet worked out how to reproduce the issue, so any understanding of what might’ve caused it could be quite helpful.
You are right! and I stand to be corrected java 11 doesn’t support ReApp 2.11 which he is installing. though it supports Platform 2.4 which supports java 8 -java through 15. This is my thinking looking at the effect of having a different version of jdk11 and the other is jdk8 to use jdk11 to generate .class files, and then use jdk8 to execute, then there may be a problems. How can this be done, they must be consistent.
I think it would be good if we find out whether there are other members of the community finding issues in watching OpenMRS Core Apps Module
any assistance on this will be highly appreciated.
@ndacyayisenga Do things work if you unwatch the coreapps module? If they don’t, it might be necessary to try running the SDK’s reset command to reset your server to a clean state.
Hey @ibacher
When i try to unwatch the coreapps module still the same error pops up. For other modules the sdk works fine though if i attempted to watch the coreapps module in the sdk instance exsisting then i have to setup the sdk again because it can’t work again even if i try to unwatch and reset the module
ie. the coreapps module is causing damage to my servers
What’s the output of cat ~/openmrs/server5/ I can’t replicate this locally, so I’m trying to see if I can get your exact setup.