Ticket UICM-66 Example


I am a part of the team working on Ticket UICM-66. I am fairly certain we have found the location of the bug, however, I am unsure if what we have found is a bug versus the bug. If anyone has an example application that we can easily use to ensure we have found the correct bug that would be super helpful.

By example application, do you mean an instance of OpenMRS? If yes, you can easily set up one using the OpenMRS SDK https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/OpenMRS+SDK

By example application, I mean one which implements the interface used by the user here. This is where the bug originates. We could work through making an OpenMRS application and try to duplicate the sample there, but unfortunately we do not have the time to do that so we were hoping someone might have an application already which demonstrates this bug. If no one has one, that’s fine. We’ll fix the bug we’ve found and submit a pull request under the ticket.

An example is no longer needed. Bug fixed and pull request submitted.