Telegram chat has no admins and is having spammer issues [SOLVED]

Unfortunately, we cannot add admins to our Telegram chat because the creator has left. Only Suranga & Pascal are left as admins and they cannot add others). Additionally, without an owner of the chat we cannot change the short link ( I have been coordinating with @surangak. He has been kicking out some spanners here & there, but it’s not a viable longterm solution.

I think our best (perhaps only option with Telegram) is to create a new chat for the community using our bot – i.e., like the old liberbot, make sure our bot account is the creator/owner and never leaves the chat. If it works, the bot could be owner of all our chats (infra, meetings, etc.) and protect us from ending up with owner-less Telegram chats in the future.

If there is any hope of not losing our link, this will need to be coordinated:

  1. Have the bot create a new supergroup chat to become the new community chat. Specifically avoid setting a custom link for it.
  2. Everybody except Suranga leaves the old chat and Suranga kicks out any stragglers until it’s only him and the deleted owner account left in the chat.
  3. Suranga leaves the current chat (so the only member is a deleted account).
  4. Hopefully, the current/original community chat containing only a deleted account is auto-purged and frees up our link.
  5. We reclaim the link for our new bot-owned supergroup chat.

I’m hoping (perhaps wishful thinking) that a chat containing only a deleted account will be deleted, which would free up the link for our new chat room. Otherwise, will send people to an old, spam-filled chat and we’ll be stuck with finding a less intuitive link.

Alternately, we could switch from using Telegram to using our Slack channel. :slight_smile: