PM Call : Monday 4th March 2019 Platform Technical RoadMap

Re: dev levels, if it’s just because /dev/null → smart developer wasn’t working, I’ve fixed it already last week.

Apparently it wasn’t working for months, but no one complained before. I’ve mentioned all affected users, they could redo it if they want to have the badge. I don’t have an easy way to add more monitoring.

Only @burke had some knowledge on it, so it would be nice if some other developer is interested on taking ownership on it. We’d need to grant access to zapier, surveymonkey, google sheets and to check logs from our quizgrader app.

I configured zapier to send emails on all failures. I’m also unsubscribing most of emails from infrastructure@o.o, so we’d be able to see those errors better.

Re: telegram, Burke already explained what we plan on doing:

So I’m not sure what else needs to be discussed.