Dear Community,
We have quite a packed Techncial Architecture Committee call this week! Join us this Thursday at 7:30pm IST / 5pm EAT / 3pm CET / 4 pm CAT / 2pm UTC / 6am PST / 9am EST here on zoom:
- Generalized CR/MPI Integration led by @samuel34
- Age Ranges next steps: Module for Age + Gender (that doesn’t require a platform release), then in meantime, incorporate deeper more flexible fix into the next platform release led by @dkayiwa (I hope?
- Med List next steps led by @ibacher or @samuel34
- AWS Credits plan (if time) led by me & @erica
Hope to see you there!
@burke @mogoodrich @mseaton @ibacher @dkayiwa @eudson @mozzy @pmanko @aojwang @jecihjoy @alaboso @odorajonathan @slubwama @mksrom & please CC others who may be interested