Sync 2.0 Sprint 2 Announcement

Hi Everyone, we wish to announce the Sync 2.0 Sprint 2. In this Sprint we will focus on implementing FHIR default strategies and completion work on AtomFeed module.


  • Finish work on AtomFeed module.
  • Create default strategies for every FHIR object described here.
  • Create project roadmap

Start Date: 2017-10-31

End Date: 2017-11-14

Jira Board:

Github Repositories:

OpenMRS Wiki:

Sync 2.0 Sprint 2 Review will be announced in next week.

CC: @pgesek, @alalo, @dserkowski

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@pkornowski Do we have any roadmap for SYNC 2.0 development? I would like to see it.

@jslawinski I will add the Roadmap to the wiki page today.

@jslawinski The first version of the Roadmap is placed here: .

@pkornowski how big should be the team to complete the project by the end of December? I do not want to keep this project running longer than necessary.

@pkornowski Moreover, it would be also good to know about the estimated effort of every sprint (in man-days).

@jslawinski The answer to your questions is:

  • The time necessary to complete the Sync 2.0 project is referred as 150 man-days.
  • The current team fills 77 man-days until the last day of December.
  • We need additionally 73 man-days it is around then 2 full-time devs to end the project at the end of December.

CC @pgesek

@pkornowski OK, then I think we might increase a team a little bit. I think that we should target mid January with wrapping up this project.