The AtomFeedSpringTransactionManager implementation only wraps the existing transaction manager provided in the constructor. We based this solution on used in Bahmni’s module ((creation, usage). I suppose that EventServiceImpl from the ICT4H module isn’t a Spring bean so that it can be used not only with applications based on Spring Framework.
According to your suggestions, we will consider creating our own implementation of EventService, that uses transactions in the proper way.
@dserkowski EventServiceImp doesn’t necessarily have to be a spring bean, if you restructured your code and call the event service from a transactional method in your module, then you wouldn’t need to have to deal with manual transaction management when calling it.
I have an overall question: is there an MVP defined that could be used or tested by some implementation before the entire project is done?
For example an implementation that deploys its metadata via code (for example those supported by PIH and Mekom) might be interested in testing this if they could merely synchronize patients and possibly encounters to a central server.
The logic for MVP is implemented already. On the Demo servers, it’ll possible to using MVP after fixing an issue with class loaders: .
It’ll be available today. I am clearing database on the demo servers, it takes ~ 30 minutes - 1 hour. After that, I’ll set environment variables properly, and attach here used configuration.
For scheduling pull and push operation, there is used OpenMRS Scheduler. You can see in the Advanced administration -> Manage Scheduler when the next pull/push operation will be executed. There are tasks for Pull and Pull.
If someone from OpenMRS Community would like to test Sync 2.0 logic on the demo servers, please let me know. I’ll give you credentials then.
I came here trying to see if I can test Sync 2.0. I have noticed that the test servers are running OpenMRS version 2.0.5. Does this mean the Sync 2.0 only works with platform 2.x and above? Or would it be possible to run it on platform 1.11.x?
Sync 2.0 was done for platform 2.x and above. I don’t think there is a possibility to run it on earlier platforms.
We’ll appreciate any input about your impressions of implementing the new version of Sync.
I will try to join, but generally it helps to add the event to the OpenMRS
calendar, so that people (like me!) see this on their calendar even when
behind in reading Talk.
@tmueller in the past, for the sync2 project, a new talk post used to be sent with a doodle poll for people’s availability. Then an announcement was sent out informing everyone about the selected date. This event was then added to the OpenMRS calendar. And finally, at round 15 minutes to the call, another reminder was sent on talk, just in case.
Hello @tmueller sorry I didn’t see this sooner. Yes, we at FGH Mozambique are interested in implementing Sync 2.0 and we are huge! So it is worth the effort.