Suggestion for OpenMRS Android Client

Hello there,

I’m implementing OpenMRS in a university clinic.I’m using OpenMRS to refer patients to Providers.

What I’m really missing is an automatic method to notify providers once a patient is referred to them.

so providers would be logged in to the client and once a patient is referred, a notification with a sound appears on their android phones.

would that be possible to achieve?

Thank you :slight_smile: Best Regards, Hossam Ali

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It’s certainly possible. MOTECH is a workflow management toolset that could be used for that ( although I don’t know if you’d have to program additional functionality with it. The programmers on that project are easy to talk to and are interested in improving their project, so you could work with them on it. I’m not positive, but ODK may also have a way to do that kind of notification - or you could use it to build in that kind of workflow.

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I will try and get in contact with them. Thank you :slightly_smiling: