I have created quite a few tickets for the providers and the appointments module. Maybe the tickets don’t end up making sense because their goal can be achieved easier within another module or maybe all this should be a completely separate module in itself. I don’t know. That’s why I would love to have some input from you and of course if anyone wants to help us create those feature either by modifying or creating some modules, or even just give us a few tips and hints, that would d of course be lovely and much appreciated.
Once I know whether the tickets actually make sense, I will create a sprint with the relevant and possibly updated tickets and sprint wiki page.
So far I am looking forward to your input, ideas and tips on how to improve this sprint.
For each of the tickets that you have created, can you set the Priority, Complexity, and Fix Version/s (version of the module in which this should be released)
Just in case you need to simply harvest the already implemented features from bahmni, can you take a look at this to see if already has some of the things that you are looking for? https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/x/m6YDBw
Bahmni does indeed seem to have an appointment module with the ability to add an appointment directly without going through an appointment block. It even seems to be the default behaviour but I appear to not have all the permissions necessary to check out anything provider or location related.
Apart from this I couldn’t find any more features I am looking for. But maybe this helps a lot already
I have added this to the ticket and will add my personal magic estimate of complexity and priority.
As for the fix version part my default answer would be 2.9 as it is compatible with the docker image openmrs/openmrs-reference-application-distro:2.9 (or even 2.10 if an official docker image in the pipeline?)